Friday, January 26, 2018

We're Beyond The Finger In The Dam

Over the past month news has been steadily mounting through daily revelations about the fact based truth regarding what had actually been committed by the left's coordinated efforts by some top F.B.I. and D.O.J. employees to manipulate the election in favor of Hillary and the consequent attempt to undo the unexpected results of Trump winning the election instead. The two "rogue spooks" in the F.B.I. are exposed in an article by Dick Morris; former personal advisor to both Bill & Hillary Clinton back in the '90s. This is causing the left's heads to explode because of the exposure.

Here's a former U.S. Attorney explaining what currently is known from what's been revealed from FOIA requests and a congressional document that's now been viewed by over 200 Congresspersons.

Here's an article which explains the origin of how the "Russian Dossier" made its way from the left's efforts to frame the pres.-elect Trump once their expectations were obliterated by the unexpected outcome to F.B.I. Director Comey's hands; who then gave it to a Columbia University's hands to share with media and launch the biggest fake news collaboration in our nation's history.

Lastly, here's an article explaining how the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, is using the old tactic of bait and switch in his investigation of claims by the left which has discovered no evidence to back up such claims made by the salacious dossier.

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