Sunday, January 14, 2018

2016 Election Reaction Flashback

It's been just over 14 months since the nation elected Donald Trump president. Yet, even today, the left has not gotten over their initial shock and dismay that Hillary lost. The media continues to malign and berate him while obsessing over every little petty thing they can find to put him in a negative light in the eyes of those who would rather have had a continuation of the past eight years' policies under Hillary!

Just for the sake of perspective, as well as a refresher - and for those of you who may not have ever seen this before - here is a montage of video clips from the days and weeks of post election reaction by the left's Hillary Clinton sycophants. I include it here because it reveals insight into just how immature they truly are and how their remarks at many points reveals the perspective they have about their perception of the conservative's agenda.

It is my personal conviction that the reason we're witnessing the degree of absurdity from the leftist in Congress is because they are truly out of ammunition to counter the successes which Pres. Trump has had over the past year, plus, in office. "Impeach 45" from crazy Maxine Waters, "people are going to die" from Elizabeth Warren, ad nausea. Resorting to the playbook, they continue to jump on every circumstance - the latest being the comparison of two disparate countries by the President in a "not so appropriate way" - with race cards flurrying, innuendo of Nazism or "Hitler".

For further insight into why I make this point, I urge my readers watch this video clip of Sara Sanders with her dad, Gov. Mike Huckabee, on The View discussing these very points and issues. Joy Bahar and Whoopie Goldberg don't even recognize their absurd claims, but Sarah does a great job of countering them. The intensity in the debate ratchets up about the nine minute mark.

We NEVER hear from the media the positive news and results of Pres. Trump's flurry of work which will, in my opinion, be impossible to refute when the nation begins to get their larger paychecks next month. Yes, I believe come the fall's mid-term election, the Democrats will suffer an increase in their long slide into oblivion. Assuming I'm correct, as many others are concluding, Trump will have made a significant, if not "yuuuuuge" drainage of the D.C. Swamp. Now, if he'll just steadily replace many of the bureaucrats within the plethora of agencies which still infest it, I project we will see a shift to economic and cultural prosperity like this nation's not seen in over 50 years.

Hasta la vista, baby!

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