Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Your Truth?

Last Sunday night during the Golden Globes Awards Oprah Winfrey was given the Cecil B. DeMill Award. Her speech contained a phrase - see this posts' title - which fits perfectly with the Hollywood philosophy of relativism; that it's only truth if it's convenient for you.

Brittany Hughes of MRCTV puts it best here in a brief video clip.

Ben Shapiro also had a few choice points to make in reaction to her remarks (At the 8:00 mark). BTW, if you watched it, did you catch the Tweet comment from NBC about the idea of her running? "Nothing but respect for OUR future president." Sound familiar?

I'm noticing something that, to me, is quite fascinating... how the media's instant reaction to some event is often incorrect. And why? Think about it for a moment. They operate in the effort to maintain ratings. How do they get high ratings? Be the first to break the news about something they think the public wants to know about. So, today we are watching reports which aren't accurate for the sake of beating the other channels announcing it.

Yet, the problem is, especially in this instance, that within 24 hours of others Tweeting out remarks about Oprah running for the Presidency, she herself made a statement countering this notion and completely negating any interest in doing so. This, to me, is a perfect example of how and why "fake news" today thrives and this, I believe is precisely why Pres. Trump calls the media on this fact. They're always using their medium to persuade people to the "pop-culture" notion that if it's on TV, then it must be true.

NOT!!! We're entering a new era, of a very weird and bizarre culture because of it. Especially when the reality of celebrities is discussed between McCallum and Shapiro.

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