Allow me to explain...
As long ago as when I was in my late teens I had visited the city of San Francisco several times, from the mid-sixties to the mid-seventies. While in high school, I went there to visit a girlfriend several times, and later to run the Bay-to-Breakers road race. I watched the city go through the changes of not only the Haight-Ashbury district with its hippies and drugs, but also the Tenderloin District as it morphed from the seedy section where a hooker could be found on any street corner to the hub of the homosexual community. There was one particular event - the killing of Harvey Milk - which, to me, was a watershed event for this community. In the aftermath of that event, the gay community solidified its political organization and we are now witnessing the fruits of their efforts. They've learned to effectively and persistently utilize the judicial system to implement their long term plan of foisting their agenda on everyone; whether they want it, or not, as we've recently witnessed in the "Bake me a cake!" cases by gay couples.
Case in point currently... below is a message I received today from Public Advocate, a Christian based anti-homosexual organization, which has been working diligently to fight the LGBT community's effort to complete that long term plan. I ask that you read it and consider what the future may hold should we sit on our hands and not stand up against this insidious psychological warfare this community is engaging in. For some, this information may be so disturbing our initial reaction is to just turn away because it seems to extreme. It's NOT going to go away!

“President James Buchanan was most likely a homosexual.”
How would you feel if your child had to memorize this "fact" to pass their history test?
Would your child be able to ace the pop-quiz on "transgender persecution in George Washington's Army"?
This is now the required standard for public education in California.
The State of California will no longer allow any textbook for their young elementary classes that fails to wildly speculate about which historical figures “might” have been sexually perverse.
In other incidents, publishers were ordered to jump right past speculation and simply declare important figures to be homosexual.
Every single new textbook approved by the California Board of Education contains this filthy fiction.
Companies that refused to corrupt their academic materials are being discriminated against and banned from California schools.
This is in addition to the older mandates that every topic -- even mathematics -- must include lessons to push the Homosexual Agenda.
What’s more important than Ben Franklin’s work as an inventor and statesman?
Well for California 5th graders, it’s his “sexual orientation.”
Yes, now students will be memorizing details about presidents’ and founding fathers’ real and imagined “sexual orientations.”
This is identity politics at its worst.
History is the study of what actually happened -- not what the Left and the Homosexual Lobby prefer happened.
It won't be long before these schools are teaching that the First Amendment was actually adopted to limit Christian Liberty in America.
Our history is all we have to show our country wasn't always as perverse as it is now.
So the Homosexual Lobby is determined to rewrite real history in their own image.
They are blatantly teaching radical homosexual dogma to these young, impressionable children in order to brainwash them in the Homosexual Agenda.
Not only is it a violation of the First Amendment rights of Christian Californians, it's abusive to these young children.
And these new policies are so far outside the accepted standard of academics that no one could reasonably argue that this merely constitutes a “different approach to education.”
This is not education, it’s pure political propaganda.
And it’s being paid for with your tax dollars -- and mine.

Federal funds -- under the auspices of President Trump and his Department of Education -- are being misappropriated for the purpose of indoctrinating young children.
California is using our hard-earned tax dollars to fund lessons that are clearly not educational.
President Trump has the authority to take action on this.
I have prepared a petition to our president asking him to take immediate action to defund California’s public schools and open an investigation into possible criminal charges.
I know over the past year, California has outraged the rest of the country as they have thumbed their nose at President Trump -- and national security -- time and again.
Their misuse of public funds and abuse of school children is one issue that you and I can take action on right now to hold them to account.
Even more important is stopping this insidious corruption of education and history before the Homosexual Lobby spreads it to other states.
Mark my words, they have this planned for the whole country.
And if we can’t stop in California, we will be fighting it in our own communities.
So please, sign Public Advocate’s Call for Presidential Action right now.
Just click here.
And after you sign, please consider making a generous donation to fund Public Advocate's fight against the Homosexual Lobby.
For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.
P.S. California is now requiring elementary school children memorize the "sexual orientation" of historic figures -- or at least the "orientations" the Homosexual Lobby is making up.
By doing so with federal education dollars, they are committing a crime.
Which is why Public Advocate is calling on President Trump to immediately defund their schools and launch an official investigation.
So click here to sign your petition calling on the President to take action right now!
And after you sign, please chip in a quick donation to help fund our efforts.

Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate of the U.S. are not tax-deductible. Public Advocate is a non-profit organization that fights the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby. Public Advocate receives no government funds. You may reach us at: Public Advocate, P.O. Box 1360, Merrifield, VA 22116; phone (703) 845-1808;
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