Monday, January 8, 2018

Answering the Question - Is There An Afterlife?

There are three general groups of people; Christians who believe there's an afterlife, Atheists who believe there is no afterlife, and those who don't know, or either aren't curious or don't care about it.

Those who don't know, aren't curious or don't care, tend to discount the possibility of an afterlife for several and varying reasons. They have no physical evidence that there is because our physical experience isn't capable of detecting it; although there are those who may have encountered a spiritual form such as a ghost or apparition. The pleasures of our physical existence give them enough reason to discount any possibility that an afterlife exists, so it's understandable to take the easy conclusion that our physical existence is all there is.

Those who believe there is no afterlife, such as atheists, believe so because they are certain - for various personal reasons - that there is no God and that we are merely the most sentient form of animal on this planet due to evolutionary progress over epochs. Until we experience, or encounter, other sentient beings from other planets from other distant solar systems, then the fact that the planet we're on happens to be the only one in the entire universe makes it that much more difficult to discount God's unique creation. Have you noticed the rise in claims that we've been visited by aliens? And I don't mean from just over the southern border, either.

Christians, who believe there is an afterlife because they believe there is an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God understand the reasons behind why it is a reality as Dennis Prager, in his latest video, explains. I urge you to watch and review to consider the points made in it. Then, if it makes sense to you, I hope you accept Jesus Christ - His only son who sacrificed himself for our redemption -  into your heart, confess your sins, and share the video link with others, and begin, or resume, reading the Bible.

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