Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Partisan Chasm Like Never Before?

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The difference between our nation's two political parties seems to be separated farther apart today than it ever has been in my lifetime. Just watching the news analysis of the President's State of the Union address to Congress last night illustrates this point in glaring fashion. I wish to share my observations about why we as a country find ourselves at such an ideological difference today. (In case you didn't watch or listen to it, here's the transcript; thanks to the "fake news" N.Y. Times and its petty points of difference in the margin.)

I heard and saw so much last night that I really wonder how the Democrats will survive the next three years of Trump's administration; let alone his second term. Trump gave example after example of the ways our nation has taken a 180 degree turn since he came into office. Tax cuts, repatriation of corporate assets coming back into the country, jobs by the millions, unemployment dropping for both the black and brown communities, ISIS decimated, new construction of manufacturing plants by companies in the upper mid-west, people and families getting off of food stamps and unemployment subsidies, introductions of multiple individuals or families who's circumstance or actions revealed the spirit of our American values of honor, bravery,  duty and desire - with one North Korean who managed to escape from that incredibly oppressive regime on crutches into China, and managed through his intense desire to make it into the the United States - is a perfect example of why our nation remains a beacon of freedom and liberty to the world.

Yet, during the whole speech the vast majority of Democrats remained seated, rather than standing to join the rest of the chamber in clapping, during the mention of nearly everything he spoke about. They sat and didn't clap when Rep. Steve Scalis, one of their own, who survived the terrible shooting by a Bernie Sanders supporter at a congressional baseball game in Virginia. They sat on their hands when President Trump introduced and told the tragic story about the two families who lost their daughters to MS-13 gang members, or soldiers and policemen who helped their brothers or sisters in need. Do they no longer feel virtuous actions of our citizens deserve recognition and praise? They sat long faced when President Trump introduce the boy from Redding, CA who took on the project of putting American flags on veteran's graves. Time after time, when President Trump spoke of the positive changes he's implemented during his first year, they refused to applaud or join in celebration of his plans to restore America to its greatness. Commentator Joy Reid on CNN actually tweeted during the post-SOTU address coverage last night, "Church... family... police... military... the national anthem... Trump trying to call on the tropes of 1950s-era nationalism. The goal of this speech appears to be to force the normalization of Trump on the terms of the bygone era his supporters are nostalgic for. #SOTU" Another CNN commentator, Tom Brokaw, actually said the bigger missing person within the congressional chamber was the absence of Robert Mueller who's investigating the Russian collusion to rig the election in Trump's favor! They just won't let it go! What a joke! (Here's Ann Coulter's article and Dick Morris's video about the SOTUS.)

And why were liberals sitting on their hands? In my honest opinion, because it does not allow them - liberals in general - to continue dictating the 13 year old middle-school adolescent mentality of trendy group attitude to the nation through their poor choice for a presidential candidate who had sickened the nation so badly that they couldn't stomach a continuation of the previous eight years. The decent, hard working people of this country saw right through the mountain of lies and corruption going on, with Comey exonerating Hillary before an investigation was ever conducted about her clear disregard for the national security of sensitive information on her private - and very lawless - server as SOS. Because liberals have gotten their way with their social experiments of more than two genders, threats from those who have demanded that someone running a business do what they tell them to do against their religious beliefs, while at the same time defending the culture of those who treat women worse than their dogs, throw homosexuals off of rooftops, and cut off the heads of Christians for heresy to their "religion".

No, the people of this country aren't that stupid Ms. Reid. We know that we'll never be able to return to an era that rebounded from wiping out the twin global threats to liberty and freedom in World War II. They're just tired of the dismissive excuses you've made about those in our society who want to do their children harm, are tired of living pay-check-to-pay-check, and wonder what the future will be for their children as they become adults in circumstances that only increased dependence on the government for those who managed to have a job that allowed them to survive while paying increased taxes year after year. And yet, you seem to now believe that such desires are "deplorable". I can't help but get the impression that your elitist attitude sees us who wish to maintain our freedoms and liberties for our posterity as just "cattle" for maintaining your modern reservations and plantations.

No thanks! We made that clear a little over a year ago. Oh, and by the way, the time is fast approaching, and seems to have arrived, that your poor decisions during the last election are now coming home to roost; like the chickens that you are!

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