Sunday, April 7, 2019

I Just Want It Fixed!

After reading the message below, sent to me by an email friend, I've posted a response at the end. Please read to see if you agree with my view on this topic.

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Donald R. “Dick” Ivey, PhD, is a minister, educator, technology executive, entrepreneur, Marine Corps Veteran, and straight shooting Republican Patriot from Celina, Texas, who is Fed up!  Here’s what he has to say today.
I am now in my 70’s.  
Recently I received a questionnaire and request for money from the Republican Party and strongly agree with every question, as I have ever since Obama was elected.   
Unfortunately the one question that was missing is:
What have the Republicans done for the American people?
We gave you a majority in the House and Senate, and you never listened to us. Now you want our money, my money, more money. You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money.
You are politicians, which mean you’re the establishment, which also means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets.
Well guess what? It’s not going to happen, at least, not with my help!
So far, TRUMP hasn’t asked me for a dime.
You might think we are fools because you feel Trump is on a self-destruct course, but you need to look beyond Washington and listen to the masses.  Nobody has achieved what he has, especially in the state of New York.
Here’s why I wanted Trump.
Yes, he’s a bit of an ass; yes, he’s an egomaniac; but I don’t care.  
The country is a mess because politicians suck.
The Republican Party is two-faced and gutless, and illegals are  everywhere.
I want it all fixed!
I don’t care that Trump is crude.
I don’t care that he insults people.
I don’t care that he has changed positions.
I don’t care that he’s been married 3 times.
I don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell.
I don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist.
Our country has become weak, and bankrupt. Our enemies are making fun of us. We are being invaded by illegals. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hassid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in, “AND I JUST WANT IT FIXED.”
And Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what We The People want and need.
I’m sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and sick of illegals. I just want this thing fixed!
Trump may not be a saint, but he doesn’t have lobbyist money controlling him; he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him; all you know is that he has been very successful; a good negotiator; he has built a lot of things; and, he’s also not a politician.
And, he says he’ll fix it. And, I believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
I don’t care if the guy has bad hair.
Oh, and by the way, I don’t care if Sheriff Joe didn’t obey a zealot judge, he upheld the law on illegal immigration. So I’m glad Trump pardoned him.
Thought for the Day  “No country can sustain, in idleness, more than a small percentage of its numbers. The great majority must labor at something productive!
Donald R. “Dick” Ivey, PhD
Celina, TX 
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I agree 100% at an emotional level with Dr. Ivey's message below. However, the reality of our current situation is that we have an extremely unified and coordinated propaganda machine made up of the mainstream media (D) - excluding FOX - a former president who's set up shop nearby the White House in D.C. to push his agenda through his new efforts with Organizing for Action, and Geroge Soros' billions funding outfits like the Southern Poverty Law Center; which is neither about poverty or the law.

So, while it's nice to "just want it fixed" and don't believe one should support the RINOs in the Republican Party, it doesn't seem helpful to the likes of Sen. Cruz, Congressmen Meadows, Jordan, or Nunes to not support their campaign efforts to get re-elected because we need good conservative candidates like them in office to represent us and fight the Piglosis and Chuck U Schumers who are getting far more favorable press than they deserve right now.

What Some Youth Today Fail To Understand

The recent reports of surveys telling us about the rising percentage of today's youth who support socialism - or the misnomer of "democratic socialism", as though it's less threatening to our freedoms and liberties as Americans - is a disturbing statistic portending our nation's future.

Those who claim that this is not the case are either ignorant, or naive' about the various actions now being taken by those liberal/socialists who are attempting to get their ideology's proverbial "toe in the open door" of our nation's cultural shift which is becoming so apparent today, and accelerating with every passing month.

Supporting the fact that this is occurring, I only have to cite the following three articles which clearly illustrate just how far things have gone to contribute toward that shift today.

Anthony J. DeBlasi's article, "America's Road to Dysptopia" focuses on the ongoing battle between those who trust in God, and those who trust in man to determine our course as a country into the future.

T.R. Clancy's article, "Michigan A.G.'s Stasi-Like Speech-Monitoring Scheme Earns a Federal Law Suit" reveals how some in power at the state level are attempting a test of their concept of how to correct social wrongs.

Worse yet is the continued rhetoric perpetuated by current candidates in the Democratic Party now running for the 2020 presidential election. This only reveals just how void the left is of policy on which to run against President Trump that might possibly convince those who crossed over and voted for Trump in 2016, to switch back to voting for a Democrat.

These three examples point out to me how those who've been brainwashed by ideologies which claim to lead to a more inclusive, diverse and "socially just" society are clearly anathema to, and repulsed by, the concepts our Founding Fathers established our great country on which caused it to become the greatest experiment in self-governance ever to succeed beyond anyone's greatest expectations of the day in the latter eighteenth century.

Having no real understanding of the principles and values which have created a magnet for all other countries to want to migrate to, they have to resort to an emotional, rather than a intellectual, approach to persuade others less informed or educated, that their promises for solving our world's problems are to create a society that ultimately strips everyone of their individual rights and let the few elite who know better than them how to deal with rectifying the imperfections of mankind.

As has been proven all too clearly today - as with the glaring example of Venezuela's current socialist experiment gone bad - those who cherish and wish to preserve man's last best hope on earth of freedom and liberty for all, we can not afford to bury our heads in the sand about these trends we see growing daily. We must stand up against them in whatever way our individual skills and talents will allow us to employ in fighting against such threats.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

An Energy Concept For the Future?

There are often those stories we missed that cause us to wonder, "How is it that I didn't know about this sooner?" This is one of them for me, and possibly for you.

With the "Green New Deal" being touted by liberal/socialists, Pres. Trump should take a look at this prodigy's idea for providing the country, if not the world, with an alternative energy source that would certainly pull the proverbial rug out from under their feet when it comes to saying we should take everyone out of their cars, discontinue airplane travel, and kill off all the farting cows, if we're going to save the planet in just 12 years; according to A.O.C. (Yea, right!)

What prodigy, you say?

Taylor Wilson, who, at the age of 14, built his own nuclear reactor, has come up with an idea that would revolutionize energy production. While it's only in the infancy stage, and the real issue as to whether it could be applied quickly enough, it certainly would possibly be the next major breakthrough in providing electrical power for cities across the nation and, at the same time, take away the threat our current power grid poses, in regard to being thrown back into the horse and buggy days, should an E.M.P. ever take it out in a heart beat.

First, watch this video of his story growing up.

Then, watch this video of Taylor Wilson giving his TED talk about his improved nuclear power plant; explaining why it's superior to the '50s style reactor.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

State Government's Ever Growing Budgets

Update: 4/9/19 - Tim Eyman, initiative against tax increases leader for WA, recently testified in Olympia on a proposed tax increase bill currently going through this year's session. Here's what he said.

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Most tax payers don't pay much attention to what goes on in their state capitol when their legislature's in session. So, most tax payers don't understand why things continue to cost more and more as years go by.

It is an ongoing trend of growing state budgets and taxes passed by liberals whenever they are in power (the current majority), with conservatives fighting tooth and nail to keep this trend from getting worse than it already is.

Let me illustrate...

Here's what's currently going on in my state's legislature. I've watched this trend going on for decades now, as most of us who've lived here long enough to know, have, if they've paid any attention to the cost of their license tab renewal fees; as one example.

Yet, during this current economic boom at the national level under our current president, we read this from state Senator Fortunato:


Greetings from Olympia,

Late last week, the state’s revenue forecast came out, and again tax collections are up, way up. The state is projected to take in almost $1 billion a year more than expected. [Emphasis mine.] The Senate Republican lead on the budget has noted that this is the “best budget situation of the 21st century.” Even before the 2019 legislative session began, I’ve been saying that our state’s economy is booming because of the federal tax cuts and deregulation. The state’s chief economist said the same thing. We can expect an additional $4.5 billion in tax collections without raising taxes.
If you read the article in the link provided above, and compare what it tells us, to what Senator Fortunato is sharing, you can see pretty easily that the liberals in power have an agenda which doesn't have any connection to the welfare and prosperity of the tax payers of the state.

If this comparison doesn't persuade the reader to understand that the liberals in power want to make everyone equally miserable, then their living a life of delusion, for sure.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Liberal Logic

For decades now we've had an immigration policy that's obviously acting like a magnet to countries south of our border. Finally, we have a president who's calling for reforming it to fix the problem. Yet, the leftist/socialists refuse to even discuss changing anything about it.

So, let's lay this out, side-by-side:

Recently we've learned of the elites of Hollywood and other wealthy liberals who've broken the law to get their children into college. Their children have been expelled from those schools. The parents engaging in this illegal practice are now being prosecuted, will most likely be convicted of a felony, and should be serving time in prison. That is equal justice under the law.


If parents break the law to get their children into the country, then they are given free education and healthcare on the American taxpayers' dime, and every immigrant should be given amnesty!

That, my dear friend, is the retarded logic of a far left Liberal Democrat today!

Friday, March 29, 2019

What Everyone's Missing In the Media

The Media (D), which includes all but FOX News*, is abuzz on a 24/7 cycle, now that the Mueller report has been handed over to the acting A.G. Bill Barr. Some within the ranks are actually making very good points regarding the swirling speculation about just what this initial letter from the A.G. actually means.

This, to me, shows just how lacking today's MSM is in giving their viewers a broader view of what is actually the more important issue for our nation. While the MSM is supposed to be neutral in reporting what's going on, it is - for the most part - not.

But what is it that is missing out of all of this? It is Hillary's whopper of a lie against her campaign opponent.

The source and origin of all of this for the past two and a half years, which has dragged the nation through one of the most incredible and unbelievable political scandals in the nation's history, is her campaign apparatus, the fact that evidence now has revealed that then Director James Comey and his F.B.I. cronies acted both unethically and illegally in seeking a FISA warrant based on the very dossier her campaign funds and the DNC paid for, and ultimately Comey exonerating her when it was never his job to pronounce such findings and rulings. These are now undisputed facts found by the committees in Congress.

A glimmer of hope is showing itself when a few commentators are mentioning that Pres. Obama is possibly culpable in all of this as well. But, given the realities of high power politics, I'm not holding my breath on this.

That's what everyone in the Media (D) today is missing among all of this buzz! 

What, to me is even sadder is that much of the people who understand or know this information will not do anything - call, write to their representatives or local newspaper editors, to demand that a new, more in-depth investigation be conducted to return faith by voters in our nation's justice system... something which, amidst the multitude of circumstances weighing our nation down - flooding of immigrants across our border, sanctuary cities/states, homelessness, the opioid epidemic, etc. - is continuing to tear our culture apart.

* Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Shannon Bream and others on FOX News are under pressure from the leftists to not report about these findings of fact I cite here.