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Most tax payers don't pay much attention to what goes on in their state capitol when their legislature's in session. So, most tax payers don't understand why things continue to cost more and more as years go by.
It is an ongoing trend of growing state budgets and taxes passed by liberals whenever they are in power (the current majority), with conservatives fighting tooth and nail to keep this trend from getting worse than it already is.
Let me illustrate...
Here's what's currently going on in my state's legislature. I've watched this trend going on for decades now, as most of us who've lived here long enough to know, have, if they've paid any attention to the cost of their license tab renewal fees; as one example.
Yet, during this current economic boom at the national level under our current president, we read this from state Senator Fortunato:
If you read the article in the link provided above, and compare what it tells us, to what Senator Fortunato is sharing, you can see pretty easily that the liberals in power have an agenda which doesn't have any connection to the welfare and prosperity of the tax payers of the state.![]()
Greetings from Olympia,
Late last week, the state’s revenue forecast came out, and again tax collections are up, way up. The state is projected to take in almost $1 billion a year more than expected. [Emphasis mine.] The Senate Republican lead on the budget has noted that this is the “best budget situation of the 21st century.” Even before the 2019 legislative session began, I’ve been saying that our state’s economy is booming because of the federal tax cuts and deregulation. The state’s chief economist said the same thing. We can expect an additional $4.5 billion in tax collections without raising taxes.
If this comparison doesn't persuade the reader to understand that the liberals in power want to make everyone equally miserable, then their living a life of delusion, for sure.
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