Saturday, April 13, 2019

Learning From History & Science

In our current culture of instant information and communi-cation it's become apparent to me that we, as a people, seem to be losing sight of the broader perspective of knowledge and truth.

More specifically, I'm referring to how the news is focused on how A.O.C. - Congresswoman from N.Y. - has captured our attention on the "threat of climate change" and how we must do something - like spending hundreds of trillions of dollars we don't have on top of what we already owe ourselves in our national debt to completely eliminate modern modes of transportation and at the same time eliminate a source of food - cows - because they produce too much methane; never mind what the rest of the world's countries are producing above what our nation does; like China, to name one.

We've all heard for years from Al Gore and company that the science is settled, or the consensus in Science leaves no doubt that if we don't eliminate "greenhouse gases" radically, and soon, then we'll see the oceans rise, and temperatures create unbearable increases. Of course, many times they've said, "In ten years we'll see Florida under water!" or, "The north pole ice cap is disappearing!" or, "We've got twelve years, at best, before our species is eliminated because of climate change!"

So, you're probably wondering as well what I'm referring to in the phrase, "...the broader perspective of knowledge and truth." in my opening sentence of this post. Well, I'll let a video which speaks to the issue A.O.C. believes justifies her demand that her "Green New Deal" become law to explain just what I mean by that phrase. If the viewer pays close attention to what is explained - I know, for some this five minute video may give too much information for one to focus on for that long, but if you try, you can do it - it will become clear. So, please, give it a try!

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