Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Liberal Logic

For decades now we've had an immigration policy that's obviously acting like a magnet to countries south of our border. Finally, we have a president who's calling for reforming it to fix the problem. Yet, the leftist/socialists refuse to even discuss changing anything about it.

So, let's lay this out, side-by-side:

Recently we've learned of the elites of Hollywood and other wealthy liberals who've broken the law to get their children into college. Their children have been expelled from those schools. The parents engaging in this illegal practice are now being prosecuted, will most likely be convicted of a felony, and should be serving time in prison. That is equal justice under the law.


If parents break the law to get their children into the country, then they are given free education and healthcare on the American taxpayers' dime, and every immigrant should be given amnesty!

That, my dear friend, is the retarded logic of a far left Liberal Democrat today!

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