Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Resurrected Use of Calumny

Calumny: "False & malicious misrepresentation of the words or actions of others, calculated to injure their reputation" (

New material was finally acquired this past week by Judicial Watch revealing proof that James Baker, a former American government official at the Department of Justice who served as general counsel for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), gave the Clinton team all their information on their investigation about her "outlaw" email server.

Now we know why the server's hard drive was BleachBitted, her Blackberries were hammered to pieces, and some of Hillary's close advisor, who were lawyers, were allowed to represent her when she was brought into the FBI for questioning; even though James Comey had already crafted his exoneration speech months before. It's a good thing "Carlos Danger" - Huma Abadin's husband, Cong. Weiner - had Clinton emails on his laptop, which were discovered later.

For details on this, I urge the reader to watch this video by Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell. For reference, I invite my readers to watch Jim Baker's interview on CNN recently to observe how adept these people are in lying while on television. It's what liberals and "Deep State" officials do who know they can't say the wrong thing!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Whatever Happened to Title IX?

As I enter my golden years of life, I often think back fondly on my earlier days when I was a teen in high school, through the Air Force, and on into college when I was a very active athlete from 17 to 27 years old.

In high school I competed in both cross-country and track as a long distance runner who worked hard to become the league champion in both sports of the small league my school was in. Just after graduating, Title IX was enacted across the country which opened athletics to females who had, up to that point, been excluded from participation in most high school sports.

It's been a very satisfying experience as an educator to see over my lifetime how female athletes have become such a fantastic addition to the experience of young students being able to develop as leaders as they grew into young adults. However, that now has all changed.

What is it that has changed? The liberal/leftist recent pressuring that a small minority of people be allowed to participate in athletics where they clearly have an advantage; transgendered males. To better understand what the issue is here, I invite my readers to watch this eight minute video of one Connecticut athlete who's future as a high school athlete is being ruined because of this very thing.

If such a thing happened to me when I was in high school I would have been absolutely infuriated, had I been a female. So, here's my question I posed in the title of this post: Whatever happened to the ideal that Title IX was supposed to help advance females? Don't the liberal/leftists even care anymore about feminism? Apparently not!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

This Is What Bravery Looks Like

It was not too many years after the massacre at Tiananmen Square event that I was waiting outside my school building after students had gone home and an evening event in the gym was going to happen later, that I had a conversation with a Chinese man who was standing out in front in the same area. I had no idea who he was, other than a father of a student at my school, his background, expertise, nothing.

I struck up a conversation with him and I asked him about what he thought of this event which occurred 30 years ago (only a few years prior at that time).  At the time he told me, I was a bit surprised at what he had to say about the future of China. Now, after almost three decades, I'm stunned at how accurate he was in his predictions. 

Suffice it to say that what he said was prophetic.  He told me that China was setting a long-range plan to develop the "lion's share" of the global market in trade, and that their means of doing so would be viewed by the rest of the free world as tyrannical.  America, he said, would have no idea what hit us until after the fact.

How correct he was! And, I'll never forget that conversation.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Corruption Riddled Conspiracy Gets Worse By the Day!

While most of the nation gets their news about what's going on with the investigation of investigating the investigators, Dan Bongino's Show podcast is on the cutting edge of breaking stories which they will most likely will NEVER hear about.

Don't understand what I'm saying here?

Well, if you are truly interested in knowing just what's actually going on regarding the developments behind all of the actual corrupt conspirators against Trump and their attempt to impeach him, you definitely want to watch this particular podcast for today.

In it he reveals some facts about Andrew Weissmann, Kathryn Ruemler, and George Nader. While you may have heard about Weissmann, or even Ruemler, I bet you've not heard about Nader. This is where it gets obvious about just how corrupt and conspiratorial these people are under Obama.

Here's the link to watch Bongino's video podcast for today's information.

Here's the link to the very article Bongino refers to regarding Nader being arrested.

Warning: You might want to duct-tape your head so it doesn't blow apart while watching this.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Big Tech Has Become Big Brother

For those of us old enough to have seen the 1984 Orwell style commercial will appreciate seeing this. For those of us too young to have had the opportunity to see it, pay close attention!

The crowd in rows of seated zombies is watching the huge theater like screen with unblinking eyes, and an athletic woman with short hair in a white tank top jersey and shorts is running in down the middle isle with a hammer, who then spins around as she gets close, and releases the hammer into the huge screen to blow it up, in this PragerU video about how our "Big Tech" companies have now taken the position as "Big Brother" today, as Brent Bozell explains.
= = = = = = = = =
The Media Research Center has shone the spotlight on tech giants’ efforts to censor conservatives online and now the Department of Justice is — finally — taking action.

In February, the MRC organized an open letter from the Free Speech Alliance (signed by more than 32 conservative leaders) recommending Attorney General Barr investigate tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter for their lack of transparency, their blatant censorship, and their unabashed bias.

Now reports are saying that the DOJ is launching an antitrust investigation into Google.

In response, MRC President Brent Bozell stated:

I applaud the DOJ for heeding our call. Online giants Google, Facebook and Twitter wield unprecedented power to shape public opinion and even directly influence elections. And it is crystal clear that they are using that power to silence conservatives and advance their own liberal agenda rather than…
This is tremendous news for all Americans who believe in the freedom of speech!

The MRC stands at the forefront of the fight against online censorship and has diligently exposed the silencing of conservative voices online by tech giants. Through careful analysis and in-depth reporting, the MRC has rallied the grassroots to stand up against tech tyranny.

Just today, Brent Bozell appeared in a PragerU video explaining how Big Tech has become Big Brother. In just a few hours it’s already amassed almost 150k views! Check it out now.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Ambiguity Game, or The Media Rorschach Test

Yesterday's one-time announcement of Robert Mueller's ambiguous statements regarding his two volume report may have been confusing for those who've not followed this whole charade closely enough to understand what's really going on here.

For those who would appreciate a clarification on this and see how the ambiguity was no more than a verbal game played by Muller for the Democrats in Congress who've been clamoring to impeach and the Media (D) who've seen their ratings evaporate, then I would highly encourage and recommend watching at least the first twenty minutes of Dan Bongino's Show from today's podcast in which he humorously explains things for us.

I believe you'll begin to appreciate what Dan is doing to provide understanding and insight into what's really going down with this whole circus experience. Here's the link to the article Dan refers to from Andy McCarthy about Mueller's word play he engaged in yesterday.

For a different perspective, I also recommend watching Laura Ingraham's show on FOX for last night's broadcast. As I write this post, a full copy of the show has yet to be posted. Once it is up on, I shall add the link for my reader's convenience.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Apples & Oranges!

With the announcement by Pres. Trump on Friday that he was giving A.G. Barr authority to declassify all documents pertaining to the investigation of the investigators the liberal/leftists and Media (D) are screaming that this will disclose sources and jeopardize them; NOT SO!

Apples = Declassification

Oranges = Disclosure

Why? Easy, it's very simple... the two - declassifying and disclosure are NOT something that are the same, or going to happen under A.G. Barr. Barr's not going to allow disclosure of his active agent abroad. 

The only reason the liberal/leftists and Media (D) are saying this is because they not only are trying to use a false excuse for not declassifying the docs, but because they all know it will result in completely and utterly expose and embarrass them as complicit in conducting a soft coup of taking out our duly elected president and for breaking multiple laws.

In other words, eventually the nation will be seeing coverage - mostly on FOX - of news stories about the growing conga line of indicted liberals & leftists involved.