New material was finally acquired this past week by Judicial Watch revealing proof that James Baker, a former American government official at the Department of Justice who served as general counsel for the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Now we know why the server's hard drive was BleachBitted, her Blackberries were hammered to pieces, and some of Hillary's close advisor, who were lawyers, were allowed to represent her when she was brought into the FBI for questioning; even though James Comey had already crafted his exoneration speech months before. It's a good thing "Carlos Danger" - Huma Abadin's husband, Cong. Weiner - had Clinton emails on his laptop, which were discovered later.
For details on this, I urge the reader to watch this video by Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell. For reference, I invite my readers to watch Jim Baker's interview on CNN recently to observe how adept these people are in lying while on television. It's what liberals and "Deep State" officials do who know they can't say the wrong thing!