Dear God,
You have been my rock, my guiding light, my assurance when situations have appeared dire. Over these many years, you've offered unparalleled wisdom and comfort to my life. However, after nearly two hundred and fifty years of my life, a first has occurred which has never happened before.
It was by your divine providence that I was born. You protected my founding father & first president from being killed several times in battle. You helped me see the truth about an institution which, sadly, was a part of the early culture which helped me grow into a strong and thriving place among many, at the cost of their freedom and respect; slaves.
I gave up hundreds of thousands to you who fought to put that horrible institution to an end, then I paid the price for over a hundred years after that, to overcome the consequences of this vile thing that hung over my people like a dark ominous cloud; the KKK & Jim Crow.
Eventually, I became the envy of everyone else. I have been desired by them, because my founding fathers recognized the principles and truths behind your loving grace. They established me under the truth that all of my citizens were born with unalienable rights you gave them, and not government, as well as those who sought to come to me because of that truth, by acknowledging you as the provider of the rights you bestowed on them from creation in my declaration from tyranny.
But now, there those among the elected few today who have come to see fit to no longer acknowledge your importance any longer. They now have decided to ignore you by simply leaving any reference to you, even when those called before that governing body to testify to the truth using a simple oath mentioning your name.
I'm sorry! Please, God, forgive those who think and believe they're representing those of us who still love, revere and acknowledge you as our creator, and are grateful always for the blessings you've bestowed upon my people. Help us to pray for them. Help us to love them, despite their well meant intentions out of whatever it is that motivates them to do what they are now trying to do. As your son said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Your word tells us, Lord, that if we acknowledge our sins, and repent, you will forgive us. For, if we don't, and we continue down this path, then we are unknowingly bringing upon ourselves a circumstance which I will potentially never escape. And, I will move from being a "shining city on a hill", to one groping around in a dark cave of despair and lamentations (like Venezuela is now); never knowing whether we will be able to return to the liberties, freedoms and prosperity we have enjoyed and taken for granted for these many years of my recent past.