If you're one who firmly believes that Eric Snowden is a traitor to the United States and our national security, I suggest you first read the following article - especially the last half - and rethink your position.
Let's not forget how Senator Chuck Schumer told Rachel Madow on her MSNBC show about taking on the intelligence community... (His statement is roughly at the 50 second mark of the video.)
Glenn Greenwald's latest piece in the Intercept about the I.G. report exposing intelligence abuses not only nails the F.B.I. top level people to the wall, but exposes how the Media (D) has become infested with former C.I.A. and N.S.A. employees who have done their best to provide propaganda to the public for several decades now.
Think this current run of Kabuki theater has been bad for the country? Just wait for the fallout of further revelations to come from the U.S. Attorney Durham's report next spring of 2020 and the psychological whiplash it will create.
Hang onto your sanity, folks, we're in for some unpredictable times ahead before things get sorted out and settled down.
Friday, December 13, 2019
A Topic From Out of the Blue
As my regular readers - most likely not more than a hand full - know, I usually post topics about the current political scene. (No, I'm NOT going to even bother with the whole impeachment fiasco that's based solely on the liberals' hatred and opinion about the personality of our current president.)
As a retired public educator, I came across an interesting article at The Daily Caller about my past profession. For those of you too lazy to click on the link I've provided, the overall topic of the article about education today is about how the elite have been caught using their riches to get their children into prestigious colleges for the purpose of maintaining their future status among the elite circles; whether their child was intelligent enough to pass the courses with their own effort.
But the main reason I decided to post about this topic today is because of an entry in the comments about Common Core. While this issue in education has pretty much run its course over time proving that it isn't as effective as claimed, much of what is revealed in this list of reasons it's failed. Having personally dealt with this ridiculous curriculum, I can testify to the majority of the following points listed by this individual who apparently has done considerable research about it:
When someone asks me about the issue of Common Core I have to ask which issue is are you asking about? Is it ..................
The fact that Common Core was written by trade organizations and not educators?
The fact that Common Core was adopted by states without any legislative approval?
The fact that Common Core has inappropriate standards for early childhood learning?
The fact that Common Core standards are lower than many standards that were already in place? The fact that Common Core has no projected cost analysis to the states?
The fact that Common Core programs collect data on my children and family without permission? The fact that Common Core includes tests that ask inappropriate questions of my kids?
The fact that Common Core may be in violation of 3 Federal Laws governing education?
The fact that personal information is being sold to testing companies for profit?
The fact that teachers are being assessed on the outcomes of questionable tests?
The fact that local school boards have lost all control over their schools?
The fact that the government changed laws to release personal data to virtually anyone?
The fact that Common Core standards will not prepare kids tor college and STEM careers?
The fact that Common Core students are struggling with questionable math problems?
The fact that parents are not allowed to see what tests the children are taking?
The fact that teachers don't understand Common Core curriculum while they are forced to teach? The fact that you have no idea about this?
Now which issue would you like to discuss? That is Common Core!
Thursday, December 12, 2019
What If Your Life Was Changed Forever Falsely?
That is precisely what happened to several individuals as fallout from the "Russian Hoax" investigation by the FBI and the Mueller investigation. One became a convenient target out of desperation of the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant, and the rest were convicted and sent to jail under the process of entrapment during the Mueller investigation. None of those convictions, by the way, had anything to do with Russian collusion.
Carter Page, the FBI's choice to target as a premise for its FISA warrant, is a graduate of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD. Various sources reporting on the "Russian Hoax" news over the past few years has revealed that Page at the time he was "fingered" by the FBI as a potential "stooge" for Russia, was a confidential human source for the CIA because of his business dealings in Russia, but the FBI didn't know that until they were later informed by the CIA in an email about it. Might this be why Page was never indicted or convicted of anything?
The others, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone, were indicted and convicted on process crimes - statements while testifying under oath which conflicted with a previous statement - allowing the investigation team to catch them lying to them and became convicted and sentenced to a prison term. Anyone who knows how being under duress can cause one to mistakenly confuse, or not keep straight, the details of past circumstances or events involved in the case understands this reality.
This reveals the sad state of affairs our federal legal system is using abusively to obtain its "pound of flesh" because of partisan animus towards the others opposing party. Sadly, this is the level to which our political process has evolved to today, thanks mainly to the previous administration's constant divisiveness.
Now, Carter Page is fighting a massive uphill battle to exonerate his reputation through the legal system. Even Dick Morris believes he should. I hope he's got the assets to carry it out to completion.
Carter Page, the FBI's choice to target as a premise for its FISA warrant, is a graduate of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD. Various sources reporting on the "Russian Hoax" news over the past few years has revealed that Page at the time he was "fingered" by the FBI as a potential "stooge" for Russia, was a confidential human source for the CIA because of his business dealings in Russia, but the FBI didn't know that until they were later informed by the CIA in an email about it. Might this be why Page was never indicted or convicted of anything?
The others, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone, were indicted and convicted on process crimes - statements while testifying under oath which conflicted with a previous statement - allowing the investigation team to catch them lying to them and became convicted and sentenced to a prison term. Anyone who knows how being under duress can cause one to mistakenly confuse, or not keep straight, the details of past circumstances or events involved in the case understands this reality.
This reveals the sad state of affairs our federal legal system is using abusively to obtain its "pound of flesh" because of partisan animus towards the others opposing party. Sadly, this is the level to which our political process has evolved to today, thanks mainly to the previous administration's constant divisiveness.
Now, Carter Page is fighting a massive uphill battle to exonerate his reputation through the legal system. Even Dick Morris believes he should. I hope he's got the assets to carry it out to completion.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Exculpatory - Word of the Day
Today's word is exculpatory. My first exposure to this word was when I read Sydney Powell's outstanding book, "Licensed to Lie" about the Enron / Arthur Anderson scandal which took place in the early 2000s. In it she reveals how Andrew Weissmann - if this name sounds familiar, he was Robert Mueller's "right-hand-man" in his investigation - withheld this same exculpatory evidence in handling the Enron case.
I can't help but wonder if Mueller himself didn't write the investigation's report - and it's suspected that it was Weissmann as Mueller's lead man who hired the others on the team to conduct the investigation, it follows logically that Weissmann would repeat the same omissions which would not be favorable to the assertion that candidate and president-elect Trump was Russian stooge for Putin.
So, when one digs into the current I.G. report by Horowitz just released and sees how there were 17 omissions by the F.B.I. about information and procedures it was required to follow in conducting its investigation, it's clear that the same biased approach was used to bolster completely unfounded claims for the lead up and execution of their soft coup to impeach him.
BTW... Were you aware that A.G. Bill Barr did an interview on Dec. 10th with the Editor at Large, Jerry Baker, of the Wall Street Journal at the CEO Council Annual Meeting on C-SPAN? Here's the link to it here. Worth the time to view it.
Footnote: Video has now been produced of the farce which occurred in these hearings under Chairman Nadler of the Judiciary Committee... undbelieveable!!! And then, there's this questioning by Cong. Matt Gaetz regarding biased testimony in these hearings.
It's my personal view that all of this action and animus towards Trump is based on a long range plan by the left over decades of progressively building up their global economy and a wide assortment of treaties like NAFTA, that is being threatened by his "America First" policy. Trump's shift away from our country continuing to be taken advantage of is destroying the left's hopes of eventually reaching a "one world order" scenario; much like George Soro's Open Society he's been pouring so much of his wealth into, both foreign countries and in the United States, to gradually mold it into what the left's utopian construct needs to have in order to reach that long range goal.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Partisanship: Why It's Gotten Worse
As a delegate to my state's convention in 2016 for the presidential campaign, I was hopeful that after eight years of what was clearly a more divided country, our nation might finally have a chance to recover and heal.
Eight years of the promise of "Hope & Change" which actually ended up being a series of incidences which further divided the nation into factions pitted against each other, my sense was that the nation had had enough of the negativity and lies. Our law enforcement was being attacked, our own government agency was selling guns to Mexican cartels and covered it up, our sense of national pride was in decline and our economy was languishing.
Being told by Pres. Obama multiple times in the process of selling his health care proposal to the nation that we could keep our doctor, our health care plan, or both, then discovering that, after it finally passed in Congress millions actually lost both, and had to pay a fee to not have it because we didn't want it, to me was the final straw.
Then, a man who was laughed at and ridiculed when he announced he was going to run for president, began stating his platform and policies he would implement. Being conditioned by other past candidates, many were silently smiling inside because we understood the game; promise the moon, but don't deliver once in office.
The media throughout the campaign consistently "poo-pooed" the Trump candidacy and hailed the Clinton one, it was clear she was going to win in their assessment. News broke that Clinton had illegally used an unsecured server as the former Secretary of State and we learned that she had not only deleted 30,000 of them, but destroyed much of the evidence in the form of laptops and cell phones.
When the F.B.I. Director took o the roll of exonerating Clinton for those alleged crimes, the nation didn't quite know what to think. Then Trump shocked the nation and won.
Within 18 minutes of his inauguration the media was announcing that he would have to be impeached because Trump was supposedly a Russian "stooge" for Putin. During the inauguration we began to hear various celebrities at their anti-Trump rallies declare that they would just as soon set the White House on fire and burn it down. Over the following months, more and more uncivil actions and remarks - bloodied head being held high, and actors using vulgarity towards the president became more common place and frequent.
From there the partisanship accelerated exponentially by the Democrats who were determined to run him out of office. "Impeach 45!" was the clarion call of Maxine Waters. Once the Democrats retook the House, Cong. Al Green called for the president's impeachment on the House floor. Eventually Cong. Adam Smith asserted that he had actual evidence that Trump had committed crimes which were grounds for impeachment, and the lies grew grander and more frequent.
So, in hearing that Cong. Denny Heck (D) is now resigning over his frustration that partisanship has gotten out of control, I ask him; who's increased the partisanship, your party, or the Republicans? In my view, they've been simply using facts and defending a president who's proved the skeptics who through he was going to be just another politician getting richer from the term in office wrong.
He's the first president who's actual carried through with his campaign policies and platform. He accomplished what few others in the office have gotten close to creating, a booming and robust economy and removed mountains of federal bureaucratic regulations which have strangled the businesses of our nation.
No, if there's any partisanship being exercised, it is the left who refuses to accept their loss and understand that what Pres. Trump's done is dooming their very future as a party. And they can't combat success, so they resort to impeachment as their only remedy to the threat.
Eight years of the promise of "Hope & Change" which actually ended up being a series of incidences which further divided the nation into factions pitted against each other, my sense was that the nation had had enough of the negativity and lies. Our law enforcement was being attacked, our own government agency was selling guns to Mexican cartels and covered it up, our sense of national pride was in decline and our economy was languishing.
Being told by Pres. Obama multiple times in the process of selling his health care proposal to the nation that we could keep our doctor, our health care plan, or both, then discovering that, after it finally passed in Congress millions actually lost both, and had to pay a fee to not have it because we didn't want it, to me was the final straw.
Then, a man who was laughed at and ridiculed when he announced he was going to run for president, began stating his platform and policies he would implement. Being conditioned by other past candidates, many were silently smiling inside because we understood the game; promise the moon, but don't deliver once in office.
The media throughout the campaign consistently "poo-pooed" the Trump candidacy and hailed the Clinton one, it was clear she was going to win in their assessment. News broke that Clinton had illegally used an unsecured server as the former Secretary of State and we learned that she had not only deleted 30,000 of them, but destroyed much of the evidence in the form of laptops and cell phones.
When the F.B.I. Director took o the roll of exonerating Clinton for those alleged crimes, the nation didn't quite know what to think. Then Trump shocked the nation and won.
Within 18 minutes of his inauguration the media was announcing that he would have to be impeached because Trump was supposedly a Russian "stooge" for Putin. During the inauguration we began to hear various celebrities at their anti-Trump rallies declare that they would just as soon set the White House on fire and burn it down. Over the following months, more and more uncivil actions and remarks - bloodied head being held high, and actors using vulgarity towards the president became more common place and frequent.
From there the partisanship accelerated exponentially by the Democrats who were determined to run him out of office. "Impeach 45!" was the clarion call of Maxine Waters. Once the Democrats retook the House, Cong. Al Green called for the president's impeachment on the House floor. Eventually Cong. Adam Smith asserted that he had actual evidence that Trump had committed crimes which were grounds for impeachment, and the lies grew grander and more frequent.
So, in hearing that Cong. Denny Heck (D) is now resigning over his frustration that partisanship has gotten out of control, I ask him; who's increased the partisanship, your party, or the Republicans? In my view, they've been simply using facts and defending a president who's proved the skeptics who through he was going to be just another politician getting richer from the term in office wrong.
He's the first president who's actual carried through with his campaign policies and platform. He accomplished what few others in the office have gotten close to creating, a booming and robust economy and removed mountains of federal bureaucratic regulations which have strangled the businesses of our nation.
No, if there's any partisanship being exercised, it is the left who refuses to accept their loss and understand that what Pres. Trump's done is dooming their very future as a party. And they can't combat success, so they resort to impeachment as their only remedy to the threat.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Media Deception & Government Control
Today's post provides two examples of just how bad the current situation is when it comes to the public being deceived by the Media (D) and the level at which government control is suppressing attempts to solve problems.
Our first example is from Steve Hilliard, guest host of "The Next Revolution" on FOX News. Recently, candidate and former V.P. Joe Biden has been in the midst of a firestorm of controversy which involves Ukraine, son Hunter Biden, and Burisma; the Natural Gas company in that country.
Of course, candidate Joe Biden is denying any wrong doing, but evidence from documented research on the matter reveals otherwise, as Hilliard in the broadcast piece discloses.
Our second example is involving Kanye West's attempt to not only use his own property and money to try solving the homeless crisis in Los Angeles. This article explains how government officials stepped in, because of complaints by neighbors near where construction was going on on West's own property, and was shut down and forced to tear down what had been built, because he hadn't asked for permission properly from city officials to provide shelters for the homeless.
If these two examples don't adequately convince any reader that our current state of affairs are both corrupt and out of control in requiring compliance beyond reasonable standards, then we as a nation are farther down the "road to ruin" than we realize!
On the "bright side of things"... For me, and, I suspect a majority of the nation agrees, the accomplishments under Pres. Trump is such a threat to the liberals it's understandable that they're scared to death about Trump getting re-elected that they are resorting to lying in order to try and impeach him. They know that if he does, there is a high likelihood that the U.S. Supreme Court will end up having a 7 to 2 conservative to liberal makeup. Of course, anyone who is using their brain knows, this means a good possibility that the "ship of state" and its direction is slowly, but surely, being turned back to what it was, before liberals took control, and should be.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
What About the Rest of America?
While the liberals and media are focused on desperately trying to
find anything that will produce enough heat to cause a flame, the rest
of the country continues enjoying a more prosperous life, thanks to the
president who's made prosperity a reality for them.
Some are claiming, as Prof. Jonathan Turley testified about
yesterday in the hearings on Capitol Hill, that we are angry about
what's going on. If they're angry about anything in relation to what's going on in Congress, it would be that no bipartisan supported, irrefutable evidence has been found, and learning that he's not committed any crime which rises to the level of what the Constitution means when it refers to "high crimes and misdemeanors". Many are now
beginning to realize that these impeachment proceedings are nothing more
than a stunt in the hope that it distracts their base from finding out
what really was going on during the Obama Administration.
Well, I suppose that may be true for those who are apparently being
misled by their media viewing choices but, while Turley's labra-doodle may
even be angry, it's my assertion that the great majority of the country
is actually happy. Employment is providing the vast majority of the
country a steady and increased income; giving them the opportunity to
celebrate the holidays in a way not previously possible. However, after
eight years of the previous administration encouraging dependency via
its policies, it takes time to turn things around with expectations
that run counter to pajama boy living in the basement. Remember the
parents of a 36-year-old man suing them for kicking him out of their
The liberals are so obsessed over damaging the president that they
can't even find individuals to testify who don't have an obvious direct
connection to their own party; one professor donated to Elizabeth
Warren, while another worked on Sen. Feinstein's committee to smear
Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings! It's obvious that the
liberals are not concerned about appearing independent, or even-handed,
when trying to convince the public their claims should be believed.
Then, there’s candidate Warren’s latest admission. She recently
affirmed, when asked about the Electoral College on the campaign trail,
that if she were elected president, she would be the last president to
be elected by it, and work to do away with it. In other words, she
despises the very principle of what the founding fathers established to
avoid; tyranny by popular vote through doing away with our
Constitutional Republic, and federalism. They fought hard, and debated
long, to include in this nation’s experiment to allow the people to be
sovereign in which a system of checks and balances prevented the
possibility of tyrannical governance.
the elimination of the Electoral College from our voting process were
to succeed, our nation would become nothing more than the United States
of California/New York, with the remaining states being ignored and
subservient to the whims of the east and west coast voter’s preference.
Liberals who are taking center stage in our political process
today, with the full support of the mainstream media, are pushing
dangerously close to wrecking our republic if “middle America” doesn’t
stand up this next election, vote, and keep Pres. Trump at the helm by
re-electing him. If that doesn’t happen, it may be the end of the
freedoms and liberties we’ve enjoyed all our lives. I cringe at the
possible aftermath which could well come from such a watershed moment in
our great nation’s history.
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