Monday, December 9, 2019

Media Deception & Government Control

Today's post provides two examples of just how bad the current situation is when it comes to the public being deceived by the Media (D) and the level at which government control is suppressing attempts to solve problems.

Our first example is from Steve Hilliard, guest host of "The Next Revolution" on FOX News. Recently, candidate and former V.P. Joe Biden has been in the midst of a firestorm of controversy which involves Ukraine, son Hunter Biden, and Burisma; the Natural Gas company in that country.

Of course, candidate Joe Biden is denying any wrong doing, but evidence from documented research on the matter reveals otherwise, as Hilliard in the broadcast piece discloses.

Our second example is involving Kanye West's attempt to not only use his own property and money to try solving the homeless crisis in Los Angeles. This article explains how government officials stepped in, because of complaints by neighbors near where construction was going on on West's own property, and was shut down and forced to tear down what had been built, because he hadn't asked for permission properly from city officials to provide shelters for the homeless.

If these two examples don't adequately convince any reader that our current state of affairs are both corrupt and out of control in requiring compliance beyond reasonable standards, then we as a nation are farther down the "road to ruin" than we realize!

On the "bright side of things"... For me, and, I suspect a majority of the nation agrees, the accomplishments under Pres. Trump is such a threat to the liberals it's understandable that they're scared to death about Trump getting re-elected that they are resorting to lying in order to try and impeach him. They know that if he does, there is a high likelihood that the U.S. Supreme Court will end up having a 7 to 2 conservative to liberal makeup. Of course, anyone who is using their brain knows, this means a good possibility that the "ship of state" and its direction is slowly, but surely, being turned back to what it was, before liberals took control, and should be.

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