Monday, December 23, 2019

Circle of Stupid: Spy Story for Idiots

It's becoming blatantly apparent that a combination of factors played into what the country now understands was a setup to falsely promote claims through Obama loyalists within a network of bureaucracies to oust Trump as President. In other words, these players who perpetrated this hoax provided the leftists who were sore losers to bring the country through three years of ever increasing division and what now seems to be irreparable damage to our Constitution.

First, there's a candidate who has a long track record of corruption with a high level of inability to tell the truth. Having been the First Lady in the '90s, a Senator after that, and finally a Secretary of State who demonstrated that she believed she was above the law by having her very own server and conducted state business of classified material using that unsecured server, we have an easy to understand motive to pay for fabricated information to assure that her ambition to become the first woman president was locked up in the election of November.

In fact, this video clip from the Jimmy Fallon Show of late September or early October demonstrates just how slanted everyone was late in the campaign about who would win. As if that isn't enough, here's Fallon's "interview" with Hillary herself. They certainly were doing their best to raise the expectations of their sycophants across the country.

Second, there's a top level group - which is not how the organization usually works on such things - of individuals in the FBI who were fed information by what is suspected to be the then director of the CIA, John Brennan that turned out to be a piece of garbage and was completely made up by a former foreign MI6 agent. When this top level group found information to be baseless, it turns out they were using a FFG ("friendly foreign government", ie: English sources) to send concerns to about these uncorroborated claims about the various players in this supposed collusion scheme. BTW, Cong. Devin Nunez stated that FFGs were not a familiar entity to the House Intelligence Committee while he was Chair of that committee.

It's also been learned through the disclosures of information in the I.G.'s report recently released that these inquiries on bad information were most likely returned by Comey, McCabe & Strokz to the foreign agent, who then corrected it and again provided the correction to the FBI. The FBI took it because by the last few months of 2016, they knew they didn't have sufficient verifiable information about Trump to go before the FISA court judge and get a warrant to spy on the president-elect transition team. It's now known that Director Comey falsely swore to the FISA court three times that the information was verified and legit; it was not!

Such a circular arrangement of checking intelligence in a case is not considered an acceptable standard intelligence practice and reveals just how desperate and obsessed they were to oust Trump from office. If one wishes to get the distilled down version of this whole hoax, check out House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy's explanation of it by going to this link and watching from the 8:58 mark. It's fantastic the way he lays it out. 

Now, Speaker of the House Pelosi and her leftist colleague in the Senate, Schumer, believes they have the position from which to dictate terms by withholding the articles of impeachment and demanding witnesses in the Senate trial, respectively. There are those who believe the withholding is because Pelosi knows just how weak those articles are, and they need more time to strengthen them with newly manufactured claims against Trump. A variety of speculative scenarios are being bantered about regarding how this will end up playing out in the first of the new year, with Senate Leader McConnell signaling that the .

Come spring, when U.S. Attorney John Durham is expected to finally release his investigation findings - accompanied by indictments of many of the players in this ten-thousand times greater scandal than Watergate ever was, the nation will begin to learn just how corrupt, collusive, and illegal all of this really was after all. Remember... patience is a virtue. As A.G. Bill Barr has said recently in an interview, "This kind of work has a veryhigh standard to meet for guilt beyond a shadow of doubt. It takes time."

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