Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Obama in the Crosshairs?

... at least for now.

To those of us who've been following this unfolding saga of top level government intrigue and media collusion to protect their own, many have been wondering just how high the involvement goes. Well, wonder no more, folks! Yes, under our current president's A.G. Barr, the investigative progress seems to be uncovering what some of us have suspected all along; Obama was aware, informed, and sanctioning it all under the assumption that Hillary had it in "the bag", and, as a result, thus concealing his involvement.

ZeroHedge.com has published a report by Eric Zuesse, of the Strategic Culture Foundation, titled, "Russiagate Investigation Now Endangers Obama." While it is a long and detailed piece, there are bold text sentences which are key reading for those without the time or interest in reading it all.

Anyone who has studied Obama, whether as an Illinois Senator, or as the 44th president, knows that this revelation is really no surprise. Given the series of incidences in which he spoke to various events which occurred during his two terms, this revelation makes perfect sense. In my honest opinion, Obama's background reveals his propensity for subtle insurrection and a treasonous tone against all that America stands for. His declaration only five days before being elected, and his apology tour around the rest of the world early on in his first term, are good for starters.

I won't get all hyperbolic over this news, for I've learned one should never get too excited in their expectations that those at the elite level of government are usually served with justice. Still, it does provide one with a glimmer of hope that something may come of it. Of course, given the reality that the media are lap-dogs for the left, they'll put out their best effort to mislead and convince the public with a mountain of lies about his innocence.  His guilt, however, is revealed by the fruit he has produced over time.

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