Friday, December 27, 2019

Remember Benghazi - Validation!

Back on August 6th of 2017 I posted an article which claimed that the real reason Ambassador Chris Stevens was sent to Libya was to try and recover stinger missiles which ended up in the hands of Al-Quaida insurgents. All of which happened on Hillary's watch as Secretary of State. Perhaps this is why candidate Trump said this to Hillary.

Well, it appears that this was not just some made up Internet myth, as this Twitter post with documentary video and text to explain details reveals. This revelation, in my book, explains why there has been such a coordinated effort to push a "Russia Collusion" narrative against Trump who shocked the left and kept HRC from being able to not only cover up completely this information coming out, but also to put her into a position which would provide her total immunity from being held accountable for the deaths of four individuals because her plan to take down Kadafi went bad

If this doesn't result in HRC's being indicted for international trafficking in weapons to take down Kadafi in Libya under A.G. Bill Barr, then we truly are functioning on a two-tierd justice system!

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