Friday, December 13, 2019

A Topic From Out of the Blue

As my regular readers - most likely not more than a hand full - know, I usually post topics about the current political scene. (No, I'm NOT going to even bother with the whole impeachment fiasco that's based solely on the liberals' hatred and opinion about the personality of our current president.)

As a retired public educator, I came across an interesting article at The Daily Caller about my past profession. For those of you too lazy to click on the link I've provided, the overall topic of the article about education today is about how the elite have been caught using their riches to get their children into prestigious colleges for the purpose of maintaining their future status among the elite circles; whether their child was intelligent enough to pass the courses with their own effort.

But the main reason I decided to post about this topic today is because of an entry in the comments about Common Core. While this issue in education has pretty much run its course over time proving that it isn't as effective as claimed, much of what is revealed in this list of reasons it's failed. Having personally dealt with this ridiculous curriculum, I can testify to the majority of the following points listed by this individual who apparently has done considerable research about it:

When someone asks me about the issue of Common Core I have to ask which issue is are you asking about? Is it ..................
The fact that Common Core was written by trade organizations and not educators?
The fact that Common Core was adopted by states without any legislative approval?
The fact that Common Core has inappropriate standards for early childhood learning?
The fact that Common Core standards are lower than many standards that were already in place? The fact that Common Core has no projected cost analysis to the states?
The fact that Common Core programs collect data on my children and family without permission? The fact that Common Core includes tests that ask inappropriate questions of my kids?
The fact that Common Core may be in violation of 3 Federal Laws governing education?
The fact that personal information is being sold to testing companies for profit?
The fact that teachers are being assessed on the outcomes of questionable tests?
The fact that local school boards have lost all control over their schools?
The fact that the government changed laws to release personal data to virtually anyone?
The fact that Common Core standards will not prepare kids tor college and STEM careers?
The fact that Common Core students are struggling with questionable math problems?
The fact that parents are not allowed to see what tests the children are taking?
The fact that teachers don't understand Common Core curriculum while they are forced to teach? The fact that you have no idea about this?
Now which issue would you like to discuss? That is Common Core!

1 comment:

  1. If at all possible - homeschool!

    Until the Great Re-Adjustment, that is...
