Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why I Believe Pres. Obama Knew Everything

I recall that during the summer of 2016 Candidate Trump was asked during the debate if he would accept the results of the election in November. He declined and said, "We'll see how it turns out." This question was because the media was constantly saying that Hillary would win, hands down.
So, on Oct. 18th Pres. Obama in the Rose Garden comments on the rigging of elections, telling Trump to quit whining.
However, this article provides evidence of UK/Obama administration collusion in the 2016 election. Reading the three bullet points, note the third item. Then, compare this point with Obama's Rose Garden statement and you'll understand that he was only saying that as a cover for their spying operations against Trump since they were certain Hillary would win! But then, the stinky stuff hit the fan, and Trump won.
Now we can more clearly understand why the whole Russian collusion hoax was kicked in immediately by the Washington Post on Trump's inauguration day. They desperately needed to quickly cover their tracks!

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