Monday, December 16, 2019

Bordering on Another Evergreen College Experience?

A friend of mine sent me a link to an article about an incident which apparently occurred just before the Thanksgiving holiday last month in Chico, CA.

After reading it, I replied to him and thought I'd share that response here.
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First off, this is a poorly written article. Whoever wrote it could use a few more journalism courses.
Second, after reading through much of the confusing construction of the issue being explained, it finally comes to the meat of the issue:
“But just because they have a right to express their views does not in any way mean we have to sit by, silently, and pretend that such views are not offensive and even provoking to many members of our community.
Because, make no mistake, they are.”In short, because ideas are “provoking,” all of what happened is all right. The harassment, up to and including assault, of conservative students, since it didn’t happen in a vacuum, ought to be excused.
In reading these two paragraphs from the article exactly who "they" are requires the reader to decipher from the rest of the article that "they" are the conservatives on campus. Then, it immediately goes to "we", apparently referring to liberal/socialist/fascists who clearly have no ability to accept in any form views which are counter to theirs. The videos prove that, and shrouded in sarcasm - often confusing to a reader sorting through the text - the last sentence of these two, points out how the double standard is being applied by the college authorities. At least that's the implication here, but not clearly stated.
Then, there's the last few paragraphs which point out how the union is sanctioning the idea that the president's name alone is provoking on its own merit to cause emotional disturbance and psychological damage to the snowflakes to those who happen to see his name or hear it spoken around the table. (As though someone forced them to go there and stand to be subjected to the torturous verbiage.)
Notice I've not even addressed the kind of total gutter style behavior in their evoking verbal reactions in public to any kind of opposition to their view; mainly to impress their fellow students standing around watching it all. (That gal definitely, in my opinion, needs some anger management counseling!) It's clear to me that none of the faculty are saying to them, "Hey, chill! Your actions and usage of improper pubic expressions are totally inappropriate and a poor reflection on the type of institution we are attempting to maintain here." No, they're even afraid of having another Evergreen College experience there.

1 comment:

  1. The faculties of these institutions are not only NOT going to rein in these red-diaper doper babies - they are actively complicit in their crimes.
    All these communist/socialist/anarchist types should recall that their actions in Europe in the 20's and '30's caused a RE-action in places like Italy, Spain, Germany, and Portugal. They didn't fare well then, and they won't fare well in the future.
