Monday, December 30, 2019

The Myth of "Gun Free Zones"

Imagine, for a moment, that you are with your loved one going to dinner at a restaurant. You've been a concealed carry advocate for decades and you've gone through the process of legally getting your permit which allows you to protect yourself if someone else threatens your life; which is the whole point of concealed carry.

When you get to the door of the restaurant, you see a sign informing you that inside the establishment it is a "Gun Free Zone". So, being a law abiding individual, you go back to your vehicle and leave your weapon locked in it. Returning to the door, your loved one's smile reminds you of why you love him/her so much, and you enter and sit down to enjoy time and a meal together.

A while passes and suddenly a man steps up, pulls out a gun, and shoots your loved one, point blank, seven times and kills them.

It's time to ask a few key questions: What purpose do "Gun Free Zones" serve for the public? Do they save lives, or do they more actually end them?

This scenario actually happened to Nikki Goeser in Tennessee years ago and shared this tragic experience in this interview with Tucker Carlson recently.

Having worked in a "Gun Free Zone", I count my blessings that a shooting didn't occur at my school. But the longer I live and hear about such situations like Nikki's, I realize that these zones are nothing more than the left's twisted anti-protection ideology being imposed on others who view life differently than they do; an indirect infringement on our Second Amendment rights.

For a second, in order to put this point into a more clear perspective, let's imagine that the rolls were reversed. Liberals, by federal laws imposed by conservatives, are required to wear a t-shirt anywhere they go in public which says in large letters on the front and back, "I'm unarmed, and a defenseless target!" while conservatives who have concealed carry permits are free to carry wherever they please... allowed to protect their life if ever the circumstance presents itself.

Of course, such a thing would ever happen, but it makes the point and there's no need to explain it anything further.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Book Review Worth Sharing

From the moment I sat down to wait for my appointment and first began reading the new book I received as a gift from my daughter, I knew that this would be, not just a good read, but a great one. It is as though I’m hearing my own self in what he writes, and it is because of his factual, forthright style of expressing how I’m feeling and realizing what’s going on, that I’ve decided to share snippets of the first chapter, but at full length the concluding section in the first chapter titled “Grounds for Optimism”, for it is extremely pertinent to what is important at this time for our country.

Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win
By David Limbaugh

Chapter One: The Threat Within

The chapter begins with an explanation of America’s founding principles. As a brief overview to give the reader a sense of where he’s going, I shall quote only the first paragraph which will do the job nicely.
“The world is going crazy and America is rapidly following suit. The left’s decades-long assault on our traditional values and constitutional liberties has immeasurably damaged our society and our republic. Up is down. Right is wrong. Good is evil. Words are twisted to represent the opposite of their actual meaning. Intellectual and moral anarchy abound. Radical leftist ideas are hailed as mainstream, while conservative ideas are demonized as extreme.”

America’s Founding Principles

“The modern left, then, is in an all-out war against Western civilization and the values and liberties it produced. It is at odds with the Constitution, American sovereignty, and the free market. It does not believe in American exceptionalism. A Gallup poll showed that 51 percent of Democrats are very proud or extremely proud to be an American, compared to 95 percent of Republicans. While a higher percentage of Democrats were proud when Obama was president, Republican pride in the nation remained the same during those years.”

Assaulting the Constitutional Order

“Republicans believe in maximizing our liberties and prosperity through pro-growth policies that expand the economic pie by unshackling people from stifling taxes and regulations and unleashing their entrepreneurial spirit. Democrats see the economic pie as finite and the economy as a zero-sum game where one man’s gain is another’s loss. They believe enlightened central planners are wiser and more beneficent than the invisible hand of the market, and they support redistributionist schemes to equalize incomes. Just as they exploit racial and gender politics, they employ class warfare to augment their political power. It would be bad enough if they merely sought to pick economic winners and losers, but they also vilify the successful and inspire others to resent them. Some Democrats have conveniently reinterpreted America’s founding principles as demands for equal economic outcomes rather than equal opportunity – in other words, as a call for socialism."

A Nation Born in Hell

“Conservatives are not indifferent to America’s past sins, but we are proud of America’s history and its freedom tradition, which has been a remarkable force for good in the world. The left portrays America’s history as a mortality tale of evil, slavery-loving whites dispossessing Native Americans of the land. In short, America is drenched in evil and born in hell. It must forever atone. We saw this in leftists’ reactions to President Trump’s Fourth of July ‘Salute to America.’ Liberal media networks ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to air the event while progressives roundly denounced the military’s participation, revealing their fundamental loathing of traditional patriotic displays. Indeed, the left staged its own counterprogramming: activists burned American flags in front of the White House, and the New York Times produced a video debunking the ‘myth’ that the United States is ‘the greatest nation on Earth.’ “

Identity Politics as a Ticket to Power

“Democrats talk a good game of unity and bipartisanship, but their every action aims to divide us into balkanized, competing groups, suspicious and jealous of one another and in constant conflict. They realize their political power depends on convincing identity groups that Republicans are oppressing them and that their only hope is to trust Democrats to protect them. Liberals once abhorred segregation and vigorously advocated integration. Martin Luther King Jr. famously taught that people should be judged not by the color of their skin but the content of their character. Today’s left, however, speaks of racial harmony from one side of their mouth, but from the other comes a shrill message of identity politics, which holds that we must fixate on a person’s color rather than his character, heart, or personal behavior.”

The Left’s Achilles’ Heel

“Progressives project themselves as morally superior guardians of the victim groups conservatives allegedly oppress. This is why they exempt themselves from accountability for their own racist statements, such as former senator Joe Biden’s casual description of Barack Obama as ‘the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean that’s a storybook, man.’ Similarly, former senator Harry Reid exclaimed that Obama could win the presidency because he was ‘light-skinned’ and didn’t speak with a ‘negro dialect.’ According to the left’s rule book, one’s morality is not determined by his behavior but his political views and group identity. As members of the morally enlightened tribe of progressivism, liberals can be forgiven for an occasional heresy from the established orthodoxy when it’s politically expedient to do so.”

Democrat Denial (3rd / 4th paragraph)

“But [Democrats] are in denial about their policy failures. They embrace their ideology with dogmatic fervor, more as a matter of faith than evidence. They reject the inconvenient fact that Jimmy Carter’s misery index and pessimistic projections of permanent economic malaise were obliterated by Ronald Reagan’s ‘Morning in America,’ and that Donald Trump’s explosive economy has dwarfed Obama’s anemic one, shattering Obama’s Carter-like predictions of economic mediocrity. The Democrats’ powers of rationalization have grown in proportion to the failure of their policies, so they delude themselves into believing that Trump’s robust economy is merely an extension of the Obama ‘recovery’ while ignoring the indisputable fact that Trump’s policies have markedly improved the plight of minorities and women. A Politico headline summed up the left’s self-deception: ‘Trump Inherits Obama Boom.’ “
This disconnect has frustrated, confused, and outraged leftists – and their outrage is directed not at themselves for clinging to false promises, but at conservatives. They can’t accept that people they deem morally inferior have superior solutions for society’s problems. Even if conservatives’ free-market policies are more effective, why should they get credit when they don’t care about people?

“Bipartisan Compromises Lead to Expanded Government”

“It’s time to jettison the myth that liberals are more conciliatory than conservatives. Modern American history shows that political compromise through the decades has invariably advanced leftist ideas, putting America on a steady march toward socialism. But liberals have masterfully sold themselves as being amenable to compromise, while it’s the hard-hearted Republicans who supposedly refuse to negotiate. The liberal media have reinforced this canard for years. For example, they have successfully blamed Republicans for all government shutdowns. Some believe this is because the GOP is seen as anti-government and the Democratic Party as pro-government. In reality, the media present Republicans as harsh, extremist, and uncompromising, even though Republicans have not grown more conservative since the Reagan years, while Democrats have moved radically to the left. Republicans may sometimes appear entrenched, but it’s because we have had to ratchet up our resistance to the left’s increasing extremism.”

Suiting Up for the Culture War

“Whether we like it or not, the left is waging a fierce culture war against our traditional values. Its worldview rejects the biblical teaching that man is fallen despite being created in God’s image. Most leftists believe that Christianity hindered man’s enlightenment for centuries and that the advancement of science and reason alone, particularly in the Enlightenment era, placed man on an inexorable path toward progress and moral perfection. They conveniently ignore the enormous blessings to humanity derived from Christianity as well as the deaths of a hundred million people in the twentieth century alone at the hands of godless Nazi, fascist, and communist regimes. They are trapped in a spiritual void they seek to fill through myriad utopian and idolatrous pursuits, from socialism, to the environment, to social causes. Conservatives oppose leftists’ utopian dreams, which solidifies the left’s perception that conservatives are immoral, uncaring, and on the wrong side of history. They view conservatives as heretics who reject the left’s secularist worldview and oppose scientific, moral, and quasi-spiritual ‘progress.’ Metaphorically, at least, they want to burn us at the stake.”

Grounds for Optimism

We deny at our own peril the gravity of the threats we face. Will patriots remain mindful of the urgency of these threats? I believe they will – because of their passionate love for this nation and their unwavering dedication to preserving it for their children and their descendants.
       Indeed, despite our beleaguered condition, there are reasons for optimism. Trump’s election signals that America is finally coming to its senses and patriots want to fight back. Americans didn’t elect Trump because he’s a celebrity entertainer or because we are bigots, as alleged. Quite the opposite is true. Trump didn’t arise in a vacuum. He is not the cause of our nation’s division. He didn’t start a groundswell movement behind new ideas he was articulating. Rather, he rose to power as a direct result of existing divisions and because establishment Republicans had failed to impede, let alone reverse, the leftist juggernaut.
Under Trump’s leadership, conservatives have made great strides toward turning the tide, but progressives are not taking theses countermeasures sitting down. They have tenaciously redoubled their resolve to destroy Trump and disable his presidency. Each time they are thwarted, they regroup and re-attack. We must understand that we are locked in a perpetual struggle against relentless opponents and resolve to fight them with equal or greater force.
Our task is enormously difficult. Some conservatives don’t want to admit that some of our own fellow Americans, wittingly or unwittingly, are working to change America into something our founding fathers wouldn’t recognize. But we mustn’t grow numb to what the modern Democrat Party has become.
Some discount the severity of the threat because they believe only part of the party has gone over the starboard side into the deep end. Nancy Pelosi and others from the old guard are battling AOC and her fellow travelers for control of the party, but that fight is more about power than ideology. Some commentators think otherwise – that if the young Turks would just settle down, the old guard would bring the party back to the center. Columnist Niall Ferguson, for example, opined that the Democrats will lose the 2020 election because ‘they are not one party, but two: a liberal and a socialist. The former can beat Donald Trump – but not if it is associated with the latter.’ “
I believe Trump has a very good chance of being reelected, but not because the Democrats are two parties. Nancy Pelosi and her ilk are certainly more circumspect about their leftist views and would probably take us on a slightly slower path toward socialism if they had their druthers – but they would take us there nevertheless. All twenty-plus Democratic presidential candidates favor socialized medicine, healthcare for illegal immigrants, draconian environmental measures, and the balance for the far-left agenda. Though Pelosi dismisses the party’s AOC wing as merely ‘five people,’ AOC and her cabal control the narrative, and seventy Democrats have voted with her 95 percent of the time. Not only are they committed believers in socialism, but their hold on power depends on greatly expanding the dependency cycle, including to illegal immigrants. Recall that no less an establishment Democrat than Hillary Clinton based her presidential campaign on a promise to amplify President Obama’s decidedly leftist agenda. Ferguson is correct, in my view, that the Democrats will commit political suicide if they embrace AOC’s ‘campus socialism.’ But regardless of whether they nominate an openly socialist presidential candidate, they’ve already played their hand, and it’s clear they will pursue a radical agenda if they win the presidency or regain full control of the legislative branch.
The 2020 presidential and congressional elections could determine whether this country heads permanently down the dark road of socialism, cultural Marxism, and eventually totalitarianism, or returns to its founding freedom tradition. We must work for the reelection of President Trump and congressional conservatives to reverse this leftist assault on America. To prevail in this war for our nation, which we did not start but moral duty to fight, we must present our message more clearly and expose the destructiveness of progressive policies and politics, which requires us to understand the left’s thinking and why it is so inimical to the American idea. To that end I have written this book.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Remember Benghazi - Validation!

Back on August 6th of 2017 I posted an article which claimed that the real reason Ambassador Chris Stevens was sent to Libya was to try and recover stinger missiles which ended up in the hands of Al-Quaida insurgents. All of which happened on Hillary's watch as Secretary of State. Perhaps this is why candidate Trump said this to Hillary.

Well, it appears that this was not just some made up Internet myth, as this Twitter post with documentary video and text to explain details reveals. This revelation, in my book, explains why there has been such a coordinated effort to push a "Russia Collusion" narrative against Trump who shocked the left and kept HRC from being able to not only cover up completely this information coming out, but also to put her into a position which would provide her total immunity from being held accountable for the deaths of four individuals because her plan to take down Kadafi went bad

If this doesn't result in HRC's being indicted for international trafficking in weapons to take down Kadafi in Libya under A.G. Bill Barr, then we truly are functioning on a two-tierd justice system!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Sure Sign of the Disregard for the Constitution

One would think that everyone knows what the 2nd amendment in the Constitution states, "The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed." Well, okay perhaps most youth under 30 years of age might not, since the specifics of our nation's founding documents have most likely not been taught with any accuracy or frequency in most public schools of recent decades. But then there's the adults who are seniors, as I am, who I know were taught it, but have allowed their ideology to blind their thinking into believing that when a cop shoots a criminal, it's the cops fault, but when a criminal shoots an innocent person, it's the gun's fault.

Sadly, the Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam - yes, the very same one that was outed for being in "Black Face" or a KKK outfit during his medical school period, and is still in office because they consider the social mores of shame and ridicule only apply to those who aren't aligned with their ideology - has now upped the anti on going after his state's residents who are legal firearms owners.

This is in response to the earlier action by nearly every county in VA declaring themselves a "Sanctuary County of the Second Amendment" because a bill in the state's legislature was introduced which would make it allowable to confiscate without due process legal owner's firearms by whichever state authority it chose to designate. The speculation was that the state's National Guard would be that entity, but much uncertainty has surfaced with the statement made by the state's commander of the VA N.G.

As David Limbaugh in his latest book titled "Guilty by Reason of Insanity" says on pg. 2, "...some will object that all Americans want everyone to be prosperous, safe, free, and to live in harmony, but I'm not sure that's even true anymore, given the left's anti-Americanism, it's intolerance and authoritarianism, its romance with socialism, its hysterical environmentalism, its preoccupation with identity politics, its radicalism on race and gender, its attempts to erase our borders, its culture of death, its devaluation of the Constitution, its hostility to Second Amendment rights, and much more."

The 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election will be held on November 2, 2021. Incumbent Democratic Governor Ralph Northam is unable to run for re-election, as the Constitution of Virginia prohibits the state's governors from serving consecutive terms.

I don't know about you, but I get the impression that, since the governor of VA can't run again, the voters of that state will be more than "woke" as the liberals like to say, and vote in a new conservative governor who respects the Constitution.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Battle of the Bulge Communion Between Enemies?

Here's an example for all of us that it is possible to overcome our differences. I share this on Christmas Eve, 2019.

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WWII: Christmas Eve miracle brought German & American soldiers together

By James F. Linzey, Chaplain, Major, ARNG (Ret.) —
American soldiers during Battle of the Bulge
     One of the most inspiring stories of peace through Christ among ardent enemies unfolded in a potentially volatile setting. Here is the World War II story of a German mother, her 12 year old son, three American soldiers, and four German soldiers — each of the three parties previously unknown to one another, and how they came together to celebrate Christmas in 1944 in the height of the Battle of the Bulge.     On December 16, 1944, the Germans initiated a massive campaign against the Allies in the Ardennes Forest, a mountainous region extending throughout Belgium, France, and Luxembourg on the Western Front. Over 250,000 German troops mounted a blitzkrieg, attempting to divide the Allies in a major offensive. This set the stage for the Battle of the Bulge. Heavy snowstorms erupted unexpectedly, forever changing the course of this infamous battle and possibly World War II, along with the individual lives of millions of people, and particularly nine individuals one Christmas Eve.
The soldiers were fighting in trenches, on the plains, and on mountain sides. Supplies came to a devastating halt. In thousands of cases, there was no ammunition, no food, no medical help, no shelter, no jackets, no gloves, wet socks and wet worn out boots, no heat, and separation from their platoons! Soldiers were using newspapers and curtains from the wreckage of houses and cabins that were bombed to wrap their feet.
American Soldiers in the Ardennes Forest Battle of the Bulge smallerIn the Ardennes Forest an American soldier was shot in the upper leg and was bleeding to death. Two fellow American soldiers tried to help him get behind the American line several miles away. Additionally, they were starving and freezing. There was deep snow on the ground, and a heavy snow storm erupted. Disorientation set in. They wandered aimlessly in the Ardennes Forest for three days.
American soldiers of the 84th Division are shown moving up to new positions through the snow covered countryside in Belgium. Co. I, 333rd Infantry regiment 1/5/45
      In the distance they saw a cabin and approached it. When they got close to the front door, the two lay their wounded soldier on the snow.     One of the soldiers knocked on the cabin door. Inside was a German mother named Elisabeth Vincken and her 12 year old son Fritz. Because their home in a nearby city had been partially destroyed when Americans bombed the area, Mr. Vincken sent his wife, Elisabeth, and their son, Fritz, to their cabin.
     Mr. Vincken remained behind to repair their house and business.  His plan was to join them at the cabin when he completed the restoration of their home. He had hoped to be done by Christmas Eve and celebrate Christmas with his wife and son at the cabin. But he did not show up due to the severe snow storm.
     Mrs. Vincken heard the knock, opened the door and there stood two American soldiers with weapons, and a third laying in the snow. She did not know English, nor did the Americans know German. But one of the Americans spoke some French, as did Mrs. Vincken. So in broken French and with some sign language, they explained that they were lost, hungry, close to death, and that the soldier laying on the ground was shot and bleeding to death. The American soldiers asked for any assistance in terms of shelter and food for the night, so that they could start in the morning to find the American lines.
     There was a German law forbidding German citizens from harboring enemy soldiers. Mrs. Vincken could be shot for providing any assistance. But it was a Holy Night—Christmas Eve. Mrs. Vincken was Lutheran. So Mrs. Vincken let them in. Had Mrs. Vincken turned them away, the American soldiers would not have forced their way in. They would have continued on and hoped to survive the night. Mrs. Vincken was not a sympathizer for the Allied forces at all. She was a Christian and would have assisted anyone needing humanitarian help.
     Mrs. Vincken sent Fritz to get six more potatoes from the shed outside and to bring in the rooster. She was going to prepare a Christmas Eve supper for the American soldiers. She went to work in the kitchen preparing supper. Shortly thereafter, there was another knock at the door. So she assumed more American soldiers had arrived needing help.
     She opened the door and turned as white as a ghost. There stood four German soldiers with weapons. Mrs. Vincken greeted them. They had lost their way in the forest during the snow storm. Separated from their unit with no food nor warmth for days, they were hungry and feared they might die in the sub-freezing weather with no help in sight. Mrs. Vincken stepped outside and shut the door to speak to the German soldiers privately.
Bundesarchiv Bild 183 J28477 Ardennenoffensive Lagebesprechnung smallerShe explained that three American soldiers came and that one was severely wounded and bleeding to death, and that they are inside. She said, “It is the Holy Night and there will be no shooting here.” And she told them that they could eat as much as they wished. She then asked them to give her their weapons. They agreed. She had them lean their weapons against the cabin outside.
She then went inside and shut the door and informed the American soldiers that they had guests, but that they would not be harmed. She explained that there were German soldiers who likewise needed help and that they will come inside for supper and stay the night. She then asked for their weapons, and they agreed. She took the American soldiers’ weapons outside and leaned them against the cabin with the German soldiers’ weapons. Then she invited the German soldiers to come inside.
So there they were. The German soldiers were on one side of the living room and the American soldiers on the other side, facing the opposing side while Mrs. Vincken prepared Christmas Eve supper. The silence was very apparent. Out of the silence emerged the voices of the German soldiers singing the German hymn “Silent Night” in Latin. “Silent Night” was renowned in both German and Latin. The Lutheran denomination in those days held mass in Latin. So German Lutherans often sang in Latin. Then their American brothers in Christ joined in in English. Tears came down the faces of the German and American soldiers as they sang ‘Silent Night.’
German soldier Ardennes 1944 smallerThe German soldiers brought out of their supplies a flask of wine and a loaf of bread. They shared their wine and bread with the American soldiers. With tears running down their faces they had communion. Then one of the German soldiers began speaking in perfect English to the American soldiers and said he was a medical student. He offered to operate on the wounded American soldier.
For several hours this German soldier operated with no anesthesia. It was such a meticulous and intense operation that his forehead was perspiring. Finally, he got the bullet out and bandaged up the wounded American soldiers. He said that the cold weather prevented infection from spreading. Mrs. Vincken had finished preparing the Christmas Eve supper. She invited them to the table and prayed, “Komm, Herr Jesus, and be our guest.” They had Christian fellowship that Holy Night.
     According to Fritz, in an interview in later years, “There were tears in her eyes and as I looked around the table, I saw that the battle-weary soldiers were filled with emotion.”
     In the morning, Mrs. Vincken gave them back their weapons and said she would pray for their safety. The German corporal showed the Americans on their own map how to get back behind American lines and gave them his compass. The German soldiers and the American soldiers all shook hands and went in opposite directions. Fritz later recounted, “She asked them to be very careful and told them, “I hope someday you will return home safely to where you belong. May God bless and watch over you.’”
     In 1965, Mrs. Vincken passed away. Mr. Vincken had likewise passed away in the 1960s. Fritz Vincken and his wife moved to Hawaii and he opened up Fritz’s European Bakery in Kapalama, a neighborhood in Honolulu. For years he told the story of what happen that solemn Christmas Eve.
40 Official Portrait of President Reagan 1981 smallerIn 1985, President Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States, had heard the story and re-told it during a visit to Germany, saying, “The story needs to be told and retold because none of us can ever hear too much about building peace and reconciliation.” The story caught on like wildfire.
In March 1995, Unsolved Mysteries dramatized the event and put it on national television. The American soldier who had been shot was Ralph Blank. Ralph was residing at Northampton Manor Nursing Home in Frederick, Maryland. He had been telling the story the same way Fritz had been for decades. But when he saw it on Unsolved Mysteries, he went public with the story.
     Fritz flew to Frederick, Maryland to become reunited with Ralph Blank. When Ralph saw Fritz again, he said, “Your mother saved my life.” Fritz was very pleased that his mother had received credit for saving the lives of seven American and German soldiers. Ralph told Fritz where one of the other American soldiers was located. So Fritz went to see him as well.
None of the German soldiers came public with their stories. It could be that none of them were still alive and may have been killed during the war.
     Fritz passed away in 2002. But the historical account of peace through Christ on that legendary Holy Night — Christmas Eve, 1944 — remains as a testimony of the peace that passes understanding which only comes from an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Paul the Apostle said, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will protect your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7, MEV).

The power of the cross of Christ brings peace through Christ no matter what your circumstance may be. — ASSIST News

Monday, December 23, 2019

Circle of Stupid: Spy Story for Idiots

It's becoming blatantly apparent that a combination of factors played into what the country now understands was a setup to falsely promote claims through Obama loyalists within a network of bureaucracies to oust Trump as President. In other words, these players who perpetrated this hoax provided the leftists who were sore losers to bring the country through three years of ever increasing division and what now seems to be irreparable damage to our Constitution.

First, there's a candidate who has a long track record of corruption with a high level of inability to tell the truth. Having been the First Lady in the '90s, a Senator after that, and finally a Secretary of State who demonstrated that she believed she was above the law by having her very own server and conducted state business of classified material using that unsecured server, we have an easy to understand motive to pay for fabricated information to assure that her ambition to become the first woman president was locked up in the election of November.

In fact, this video clip from the Jimmy Fallon Show of late September or early October demonstrates just how slanted everyone was late in the campaign about who would win. As if that isn't enough, here's Fallon's "interview" with Hillary herself. They certainly were doing their best to raise the expectations of their sycophants across the country.

Second, there's a top level group - which is not how the organization usually works on such things - of individuals in the FBI who were fed information by what is suspected to be the then director of the CIA, John Brennan that turned out to be a piece of garbage and was completely made up by a former foreign MI6 agent. When this top level group found information to be baseless, it turns out they were using a FFG ("friendly foreign government", ie: English sources) to send concerns to about these uncorroborated claims about the various players in this supposed collusion scheme. BTW, Cong. Devin Nunez stated that FFGs were not a familiar entity to the House Intelligence Committee while he was Chair of that committee.

It's also been learned through the disclosures of information in the I.G.'s report recently released that these inquiries on bad information were most likely returned by Comey, McCabe & Strokz to the foreign agent, who then corrected it and again provided the correction to the FBI. The FBI took it because by the last few months of 2016, they knew they didn't have sufficient verifiable information about Trump to go before the FISA court judge and get a warrant to spy on the president-elect transition team. It's now known that Director Comey falsely swore to the FISA court three times that the information was verified and legit; it was not!

Such a circular arrangement of checking intelligence in a case is not considered an acceptable standard intelligence practice and reveals just how desperate and obsessed they were to oust Trump from office. If one wishes to get the distilled down version of this whole hoax, check out House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy's explanation of it by going to this link and watching from the 8:58 mark. It's fantastic the way he lays it out. 

Now, Speaker of the House Pelosi and her leftist colleague in the Senate, Schumer, believes they have the position from which to dictate terms by withholding the articles of impeachment and demanding witnesses in the Senate trial, respectively. There are those who believe the withholding is because Pelosi knows just how weak those articles are, and they need more time to strengthen them with newly manufactured claims against Trump. A variety of speculative scenarios are being bantered about regarding how this will end up playing out in the first of the new year, with Senate Leader McConnell signaling that the .

Come spring, when U.S. Attorney John Durham is expected to finally release his investigation findings - accompanied by indictments of many of the players in this ten-thousand times greater scandal than Watergate ever was, the nation will begin to learn just how corrupt, collusive, and illegal all of this really was after all. Remember... patience is a virtue. As A.G. Bill Barr has said recently in an interview, "This kind of work has a veryhigh standard to meet for guilt beyond a shadow of doubt. It takes time."

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Is the USMC Agreement All Good?

While I believe Pres. Trump has America's best interests at heart there's reason to believe he's either unaware of the long-term effects of the USMC agreement, or being mislead by his U.S. Trade representative, Robert Lighthizer and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Why do I say this? Read the following paragraph from an article which was shared with me explaining it.
If the USMCA Agreement is ratified, Orwell’s predictions would come true. According to an article in Canada Free Press, the agreement brings in, through the back door, the Law of the Sea Treaty, indorsed by both Clinton and Bush, which was not ratified by the United States. President Reagan rejected it because it demanded technology and wealth transfer from developed nations to the undeveloped ones. As compelling the reasons were to reject it, there were far worse reasons to do so. President Reagan didn’t like the idea of establishing an international bureaucracy that would supersede U.S. rights of sovereignty. He knew that other nations would use the Law of the Sea Treaty to work against U.S. interests in ways not imagined in the benign scenarios painted by its supporters.
I strongly urge any readers of my blog to use the link I've provided above and read the whole article. For many, such analysis borders on "tin-foil hat" type conjecture, or conspiracy theory style stuff. I suspect that many who read such information either choose to ignore what the information spells out for their future, or view it much like many citizens view having any impact on their elected representatives. 

I understand why some might choose to avoid such issues, or choose to ignore it, however, I can testify from first hand experience that it is not. Those who see it for what it is will recognize the various factors which have clearly been in play already for decades; climate change, social justice, and economic equity, to name only a few.

For the past seven and a half years I've sat on my county's planning commissioner board. Our job has been to receive presentations from the various county level directors for the assorted infrastructure - transportation, waste management, a myriad of codes and changes to them for business and residential dwellings, etc. - ask questions, and send an advisory vote to our county council members to ultimately discuss and vote on.

If there's one major law which has been in place since the late 1990s, it is the Growth Management Act which dictates everything all counties in the state are restricted by. While some counties may decide to not follow the requirements within it, there are funding consequences which come into play.

Currently, a proposal by the county's long-range planning has had the planning commission working through a massive series of meetings and content regarding what is obviously part of the Agenda 21 plan at the local level. It is called "Centers & Corridors" which is a huge change of codes in order to allow for two main highway corridors within the mid-county to high density business and residential development thirty years out which will essentially choke the already overused state highways in these areas and create public safety issues without conducting any capital feasibility studies for understanding just how they will impact those corridors.

Should any of the readers understand just how critical this issue is for their children's future, I urge them to go to the American Policy Center and download the PDF offered for more detailed understanding and what we can do individually to work against further implementation of this global plan for tyranny.