Monday, September 30, 2019

The Silent Coup Rages On

The destruction of our Republic is taking place before our eyes, folks! The following links - provided by Dan Bongino's videocast for this last day of September - provides the proof of facts regarding the coup watching unfold before our eyes:

Did they change the intelligence community rules to target Trump?

Explosive new information indicates the rules were gutted so the “whistleblower” could lodge a complaint.

Now, the tyrannical Democrats are demanding more phone call transcripts from the President. When will it end?

Joe Biden team panics and demands Rudy Guiliani be taken off the air.

Another myth debunked regarding the “lockdown” of the Trump/Ukraine transcript.

President Trump must protect the presidency.

Each of the above links provide the information which exposes the Liberal/leftist/statists and their sycophantic comrades, the Media (D) conducting rapid fire, pre-arranged hits to barrage the president in order to convince the public that their efforts to impeach him are necessary.

Oh, and BTW... they've now announced that these impeachment proceedings will not begin until... wait for it, wait... DECEMBER!!! How typical of the always in control and on the offense against their enemies, liberals! 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Seeing the Forest Despite the Trees

Liberals in this country have worked long and hard to arrive at this nation's dark day. (In this press conference you'll hear things the Media (D) isn't telling you.)

Colluding with the Media (D) to control and maintain a constant anti-life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness narrative for many decades, they have demonstrated that they will reveal their corruption through lies and frame anyone to achieve their end goal; socialism. (See this clip from Jessie Watters show discussing this with Dan Bongino.)

The effectiveness of the left's brainwashing is evident from the willingness of millions of voters to believe the Democrat candidates claiming that Universal Health Care will be more affordable. This concept is bolstered by the notion that everyone deserves the "human right" to health care; at the expense of everyone's financial well-being. Yet, they assume that, once such a health care system is enacted, the level of quality and convenience will remain as it is under the current private system. For a pro/con article about this topic, go here. (Note that the article does not mention the reality that such a program will be forced to have... panels which decide what procedures for elderly will be allowed to get. ie: "Death panels" which were discussed during the Obamacare debate.)

Another example of their effectiveness to convince the naive and ignorant masses is the expectation that if the Media's (D) drumbeat tells them that a president they don't like did something wrong, or illegal, it must be true. After all, the Media (D) is the authority on what's happening, and if they claim it, it must be true, right? Yet, when one of their own is exposed for illegal activities, they look the other way and act as though we're just white privileged biased bigots.

I've long believed that the reason why most don't bother following politics, or if they do it's too complex to comprehend, is because politicians aren't there to look out for the people they're supposed to represent, but to get rich and powerful over decades while lying to their constituency by promising them the moon when they're back home at town halls on recess. 

[The links between paragraphs below are a series of brief video clips from Glenn Beck's radio show of information not heard anywhere else.]

What they fail to realize is that they're deliberately being lied to by twisting and rephrasing of facts such as occurred in the hearing led by Cong. Adam Schiff, Chair of the House Investigating committee when he stated what the phone call transcript said. For those who've stayed on top of developments regarding this issue, it's obvious that the "parody" was not only blatantly false, but a sophomoric attempt to bolster the already seething attitudes of hate in those who resent that Trump beat Hillary in 2016.

Whistleblower Complaint Explained: Part 1 

Anyone who has half-a-brain from paying attention to the facts, and not the rumors and lies from the left, realizes that this latest "impeachable offense", among many which have already fizzled, is yet another phase in the orchestration of setting up the president they despise in order to get him forced out of office.

What the DNC is Hiding: Part 2

But what would be the result of a successful coup they've engaged in? V.P. Pence would take the helm, the people across the country who see through all of this political theater as a train of political sabatoge against a man who may not fit the accepted leftist mold of behavior, but more importantly that his accomplishments have made them look bad when compared to their former president, the economy, employment opportunity, building the wall on the southern border, deregulating businesses to thrive, etc., will simply elect Pence for president and the administration will continue.

Deep State Inside Ukraine: Part 3

At this point, liberals across the land can follow up on their promise to head south to Venezuela where they'll be happier.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Spygate - Part Duex

The Media's (D) obsession with promoting the hoax that Pres. Trump did something illegal, and thereby help the Liberals in the House of Congress, therefore deserving to be impeached, is nothing more than a well coordinated effort between the two entities to put into use the old "LOOK, SQUIRREL!" strategy of diversion. That's because the "Russian Collusion" hoax, and the Mueller Report flop, didn't work like they hoped it would.

If you care to better understand why I make such a seemly cryptic statement like this, I urge my readers to  take the time to watch Dan Bongino's latest videocast from his show. What you will learn will blow your socks off! It will be worth your time... I guarantee it!

His presentation is material, that not even FOX News talking heads are mentioning; mostly because - like Pres. Trump - Dan Bongino is many steps ahead of the rest out there. The majority of talking heads are  obsessing over the phone transcript. This episode from the Left of "LOOK, SQUIRREL"isms is the Media (D) trying their best to impact the 2020 election in their favor. Why? Because they know his re-election, based on his track record of accomplishments, is imminent... and they can't get over their loss in 2016!

Note: the link provided above not only takes the reader to his page with the video to watch, but the links to articles he refers to in the video presentation further down on the page. You might want to take a look at how well he documents all his points.

A segment video from The Five on FOX... worth watching!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Today's Youth, Climate Change, and What They Need To Understand

Well, last Friday possibly millions of adolescents around the world walked out of their schools for the day to "protest" climate change as a concern. I'm sure mother nature heard them.

And now we've been told by that 16 year old from Europe. "How dare you!" she repeated several times at the meeting of the U.N. Climate Summit this past weekend. As though she's the adult chastising us for our capitalist greed.

I can't help but wonder how stupid she's going to feel and look to others in another decade, or so, once she realizes she was sold a lie?

In the meantime, someone in Australia decided to air his sentiments about all of these youth acting as though they know it all.

Watch it here. I suspect you'll pretty much agree with what he's got to say!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Two Major Factors Which Will Impact the 2020 Election

The nation's political landscape over the past few years has been tumultuous, to say the least.

Much of what the public at large thinks, or believes, is formed by the wide variety of sources available in today's massive 24/7 news cycle. There are those who watch such sources as the alphabet soup channels - ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and MSNBC - what I call the Media (D), because they are in cahoots with the DNC and the leftist who are presenting us with the Green New Deal - what I call the New Green Deal because it, if it were implemented will collapse this country's economy - and, then there's the alternative media; Internet podcasts, FOX News which sides with conservatives who get a different perspective which the Media (D) refuses to provide because they know it undermines their narrative, but are facts which can not be ignored.

For me, and most likely hundreds of thousands - if not more across the land - there are two factors which I believe will shape how the outcome of the next presidential election. One involves the search engine giant, Google. One of Mark Levin's more recent interviews on his show, Life, Liberty & Levin, is with a Dr. Epstein regarding his research findings on how their ability to manipulate in a biased manner much of the easily persuaded public to vote for the left's candidate. This, I believe, will play a significant role in the outcome of our next election in 2020, and it will be extremely covert on Google's part. I should note that this PhD. professor who is a liberal who voted for Hillary in the last election, testified before a congressional committee on the Senate side of Congress last summer. Note: The link above is the first of two recorded episodes, or segments, on Should you wish to view the second one, you'll need to view it here.

The second factor, which I know is more widely known, is the whole "Russian Collusion" hoax, which I've commented on throughout my blog in the past as information came to light. However, now, Mark Levin has just last weekend interviewed Dan Bongino - followed by many around the country on his podcast - with his just released book titled "Exonerated! The Failed Takedown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp". In his book, and this interview, Bongino provides a clear and coherent array of factual and supported information that much of the public has never been privy to if they've been watching the Media (D) outlets who are supporting the left's narrative. 

If you managed to watch it, or DVR it, great! It's definately a "keeper". However, if you have friends who are not so convinced about this, or the first issue I've share in this post, I highly encourage you to share this post with them.

Unfortunately, three current posted on of the 9/22 broadcast are only two second clips of the opening of this incredibly informative and revealing show. Perhaps there are publication rights which restrict it from being fully uploaded by whoever attempted to provide it. Should it surface in its entirety, or even shorter segments, I will post them here as soon as it appears on

Friday, September 20, 2019

Which Do You Prefer?

I ask this question in the context of our current social climate of the "social justice warrior" mentality the leftist/socialist/statists are now maneuvering their narrative.

So, to be more specific, do you prefer sniffing turds, or sniffing flowers for their more pleasant aroma?

Allow me to explain...

Much of what the social justice warriors are doing today involves complaining and blaming, but it's based on erroneous and biased information. This video from PragerU illustrates this point nicely. If we constantly focus on the sins of our past, the social justice warriors will continually maintain control of the social narrative.

Those of us who were educated during an earlier era - pre-'90s - have learned how our system of representative republic is structured and was intended to work; you know, stuff like why our founding fathers implemented the Electoral College so that there wasn't the scenario of two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner style democracy.

These social justice warrior types are also doing their best to undermine the key thread of a civil functioning society in America, and across the globe for that matter, by demanding that new language catering to a minority so insignificant that it will negatively impact everyone. What is it? Made up pronouns for those who don't identify with the two standard genders.

How can this be a threat to everyone?

Consider this... if we are constantly bombarded with new and varying ways to identify people in this minority, and are intimidated by using the wrong, or inappropriate term when one isn't aware of what is proper until one's committed the error, it will turn our culture into a virtual "Tower of Babel" where no one knows what others should be called, or addressed as.

Think about it! I prefer flowers over turds, thank you!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dear Nike, You got this one wrong!

Dear Nike,
I want to have a conversation about this hat.   It's over 13 years old.   I don't remember when I bought it exactly,   I don't remember where I bought it.   But what I do remember is why I wore it.
On August 10, 2005, I was a newlywed with two young sons.   My husband Tim and I had toasted our one month anniversary the night before, and I was enjoying a rare evening to myself, catching up on reading and relishing the quiet.   Until there was a knock on my door. I had no way of knowing that the small act of turning a knob was about to shatter my life into a million pieces.   I sat numb and in sheer disbelief as I was told that my husband, while in a foot pursuit and subsequent struggle with a suspect that ended up in the road, had been struck and killed by an oncoming vehicle.   He took his last breath lying in the middle of the street.   What I lost in that moment is indescribable.   I had to watch his mother be dealt the most agonizing blow a parent can face, and I couldn't comfort her because I was in my own hell.   I had to find a way to gut my own children in the gentlest way possible, and tell them that this man they had come to love, who they looked up to, who cared for them as his own, would never walk through our door again.
I don't know if you've ever attended a police funeral, but watching grown men who've seen the absolute worst things a civilian can imagine, break down and sob over the casket of their brother is an image that never leaves you.   The bagpipes haunt my dreams to this day, but it was the faces of my children, the innocence that abandoned them at such a tender age that brought me to my knees.
I had no choice but to move on.   We trudged zombie-like through our days for weeks and weeks on end.   I never left the house except to drive the boys to school, or buy food we barely touched.   I realized that I had to do something.   I had to move my body or I was going to crawl out of my own skin.   So I put on the only cap I had and I went for a run.   It was short, it hurt and it was ugly.   But I felt, just for those few moments on that road, like a normal person.   So I kept doing it.   I put that hat on and I ran every day.   Sometimes I had to stop and sit down because I was sobbing so hard.   Sometimes I was so angry I ran until I thought I my heart would stop, sometimes I would just scream over and over again, but it still felt better than doing nothing.
That black cap became a symbol to me, it is sweat stained and it's shape is gone, the buckle in the back barely closes; but that hat represents my family's rise from the ashes.   It stands for the strength and the sacrifice we made loving a man who had a job that we all knew could end his life, every time he walked out that door.   And it did.   And I accept that.
I still wear this hat, I wore it on my run this morning.   And then I heard about your new ad campaign.
Colin Kapernick has the absolute right to protest anything he damn well pleases.   I don't dispute that for one second.   My father, my husband and many, many friends have all served this country and were willing to fight for his right to kneel.   But that right goes both ways.   I also have a right to express my disgust at your decision to portray him as some kind of hero.   What, exactly has Colin Kapernick sacrificed?   His multi million dollar paycheck...?   Nope, you already gave him one of those.   His reputation?   No, he's been fawned over by celebrities and media alike.   Funny, Tim Tebow was never called courageous when he knelt.   This man, whose contempt for law enforcement fits him like a...sock, has promoted an agenda that has been proven false time and time again, in study after study.   But facts don't seem to matter anymore.   This man has thrown his support behind divisive anti-police groups, and donated money directly to a fugitive from justice who escaped prison after killing a police officer.   I question the judgement of anyone who would put someone this controversial and divisive at the head of an advertising campaign, but it isn't my company to run.
I don't know if I'll have the heart to ever get rid of this cap, but I will tell you this, I'll never purchase another Nike product as long as I live.   You got this one wrong Nike, terribly, terribly wrong.
Sherry Graham-Potter, surviving spouse of Deputy Tim Graham

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I received a reply from one of my email friends :

Thanks. Yes, very worthwhile piece.
Makes you wonder why the NFL does not challenge Nike on this. The swoosh logo is plastered all over the league, and somebody negotiates these contracts.
and responded to him with this:
My suspicion is that too many are simply corporate "wonks" who merely go along, to get along, and not lose their gravy train position by standing up for principle. In other words, they've been conditioned by the past, and haven't adjusted to the present under the current administration.