Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Clinton Family Legacy

Gareth Williams – Aug. 16, 2010
Gareth Williams, a transatlantic MI6 spy – whose dead body was found naked, padlocked and stuffed in a 32-inch by 19-inch duffel bag that was sitting in his London bathtub – had illegally hacked secret data on Bill Clinton, according to the U.K. Sun.  The news site noted, “[H]is death is still one of Britain’s most mysterious unsolved cases.”
Scotland Yard had announced the death as a suicide, saying he locked himself in the bag.
But his DNA wasn’t found on the lock. There were no palm prints on the edge of his bathtub.
This pull quote from a WorldNetDaily.com website article is just one of a multitude of documented cases which left individuals who had some type of association with the Clintons over the course of their political careers. 

Now, I ask you in all honesty, do you accept, at face value, the next to the last sentence stating what authorities believed happened regarding this man's death to be true? If you do, then please, leave me a comment at the bottom of this post and let me know how Gareth managed to pull this off!

That Scotland Yard even considered, let alone made an official statement such as this, has got to be the most incredible feat of the "willful suspension of disbelief" anyone could ever fathom! I mean... how is it possible to kill yourself, cut yourself up into small enough pieces to fit into the bag of those dimensions, then stuff yourself in it, then zip the bag closed and shut the padlock closed? Think about that for a second!!!

The article at the link above also lists the others along with the dates of their death who were found in very bizarre and/or similar situations for many of them if you bother to actually read the others listed. Now, with the more recent revelations about the Clintons Global Initiative Foundation - a part of the larger Clinton Family Foundation - having ripped off the people of Hati after the devastating earthquake only a decade or so ago, it begins to gain greater believably that the wake of dead people left behind them aren't just part of the "...vast right-wing conspiracy..." Hillary claimed to exist in 1998.

Monday, November 20, 2017

What About Thanksgiving?

In our modern world of technology where everyone's connected to the web and advertisements on TV seem to harp on Halloween and Christmas, I've begun to notice over the last several years how the national holiday we are about to observe - Thanksgiving - gets little to no attention when it comes to commercials. Instead, the prevailing focus is the opposite; ingratitude. The left - the ungrateful types - harp on the poor not having enough, or the rich having too much, and it seems as though whatever the poor get, or the rich give, it will never be satisfactory to them.

I have my idea as to why this is so, but there's a more interesting point that seems to get lost when considering this fact. And that's what results from gratitude versus ingratitude; happiness and unhappiness. Not being a student of psychology, I tend to wonder... do psychologists understand this?

When one thinks more carefully about the real reason behind Thanksgiving, it's obvious that gratitude is the whole purpose and focus. Only recently, I posted Michael Medved's remarks in a video (The Truth About Thanksgiving) I shared here about the true origins of the Thanksgiving holiday and why the settlers to Plymouth observed this gathering with their aboriginal acquaintances, the Native Americans.

Gratitude, as Dennis Prager explains in this video, produces a more happy attitude in people and does not have to involve any morality. Not having to involve morality may be a convenient thing these days, it's likely the most effective way to get those we want to change the attitudes of, without coming across as though we're trying to convert them. I urge you to watch this video for details to understand what's meant here and hope that by sharing it with you now your Thanksgiving experience this year produces greater happiness in the months to come.

Friday, November 17, 2017

She Said, He Said

Our nation's latest crisis is the news over sexual harassment. The shock began with the revelations about mogul Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood. The credibility of it from reputable and multiple stars set the liberals on their heels and shattered the "open secret" that has existed for far too long. Next came Kevin Spacey; another top actor. This opened the door to exposing the truth behind just how gross, perverted, and polluted the glitter and glamour of Tinseltown has become.

On the opposite side of the continent, the swamp creature known as "Turtleface" - I refuse to identify him by name - has reared his head by using 40 year old accusations which are yet to be substantiated with credible proof by highly questionable women to come out and claim sexual inappropriateness to attempt to destroy a candidate for Senate that "Turtleface" want eliminated from the ticket only 30 days from the vote in the special election of Alabama. 

I've wondered a few times how different things would have been had candidate Moore said when these accusations first came out something like... "Ladies and Gentlemen, When I was a young man before getting married and having a family I did some pretty stupid things. But I recognized my sins back then, was saved from continuing them by accepting Jesus Christ as my savior, and changed to a life committed to honesty, truth and purity to my wife and family. That was almost 35 years ago. I have since dedicated my life to the values of upholding the laws of God and country, and will continue to do so if you elect me to represent you in the Senate." Understanding what the social situation is in Alabama, I surmise that this would have completely taken any wind out of the sails of this extremely unfortunate situation.

While I admire this man's stand (to me it is an indication of his true character) against the highly questionable timing of these tactics by the left, it seems that we've now entered into a new period that has undertones of the Salem Witch Trials of the 1600s. It concerns me that we have only seen the beginning of this episode of "She said, He said." Might this turn into a type of McCarthyism from the early '50s because this type of behavior has been allowed to simmer due to silence by many for so long now?

Sides have begun to be taken by the talking heads of the media complex. Even while they try their best to be unbiased and not rush to judgement, others aren't allowing the opportunity to act sanctimonious; as though their side could never do any such thing. No, they portray their own as paragons of virtue. To me, this just reveals how secular our society has become. When there's been such a drastic shift away from the virtuous values and principles inherent in living a morally strong life, as the advice of the author of Proverbs has warned us, then this is what we reap as a society.

In the mid to late '60s, when I saw social change occurring drastically while going through high school, my gut told me that this time in history would be the turning point we as a nation would come to regret. I pray it will help our nation return to a more decent, respectful and loving culture in the years to come.

The "Blue Collar" Worker

As I've watched the news about a tax cut bill going through Congress I keep hearing this phrase; blue collar worker when various talking heads are explaining just how the tax cut will help the "middle-class". I don't claim to be any kind of expert about this issue, whether it's taxes, industry, or demographics in America. However, I do believe I posses a modicum of common sense when I spend a bit of energy thinking about this phrase. Let me explain...

I wonder, how long has it been since NAFTA began creating the giant "sucking sound" Ross Perot predicted? Wasn't that back in the '90s that Pres. Slick Willy got that through? Okay, over the next decade or so, companies who were suffering under the highest corporate taxes and took advantage of the cheaper labor costs in other countries and shut down their factories, plants, and businesses. I would conjecture that there was a wide range of the workers who were forced to seek employment elsewhere, or go on unemployment support, anywhere from low 30s to low 60s in age.

The younger end of the age spectrum who were in this predicament back then most likely were more able to find some type of alternate employment. As the age of the worker increased, it seems reasonable to assume that this situation of finding other work became more difficult. Let's face it, most employers are less interested in hiring someone who's in their 50s or 60s, than they are workers in the 30s and 40s who can be retrained into a new skill set than older ones.

It's now been roughly 20 years - give or take 5 years - since that occurred, with others that followed during that time. That's about a generation. Now, with the advent of technology booming and the emphasis in public education - a field my career was in - more recently pushing every student going to college, that, in my book, leaves a dearth of workers in the U.S. who have any skills in plant, or factory work. And I keep hearing others pointing out they can't get a job because many businesses want only those who have at least a few years' experience. Yep, the ol' "catch 22" scenario.

I've also heard Mike Rowe - star of the cable hit "Dirty Jobs" - who now has his own foundation that promotes vocational jobs. His view is this... back when Obama was President and he was pushing his "Shovel Ready Jobs" Mr. Rowe communicated to him that while there may have been jobs available for citizens to take advantage of, those who wanted or needed employment didn't exactly see themselves working with a shovel as glamorous. His point being that the "sexy" jobs were in the tech industry; coding, web design, VOIP, server farms, etc. by then due to this shift.

So, as I see it, over this period between when NAFTA caused many industry companies to take their production overseas to China, for instance, due to cheaper labor costs and less regulation from the government, a shift has occurred in both the education of students to white collar type jobs that require at least a bachelor's degree, as well as the level of skills required to perform the more "sexy" jobs that remained available. We all know that there's been an increase during these last 20 years to a service based employment opportunity where most are working around only 20 hours per week, forcing them to work two or three jobs to cover the cost of living; dwelling, clothing, food, fuel or transporation and utilities.

So, when our elected officials speak on TV of the fact that the tax cut bill will benefit the "blue collar worker", I can't help but wonder... just how many exist to benefit from it today. Then too, with the businesses announcing that they're coming back to the U.S. because President Trump is making changes in federal regulations to make it more attractive for them to do so, I also wonder just how many of our nation's work force aged citizens there will be to take those jobs and how long it will take for the businesses to train them in order to get up to speed on their production.

Hey, like I said, I'm no expert, but common sense tells me it's going to take a while; especially with the mindset the millennials have about work, accountability, initiative to put one's nose to the grindstone to get the job done, and suffer through adversity which comes with the territory. It seems that if our economy does boom, as it has thus far, and barring any unforeseen setbacks, rebuilding our infrastructure is going to be a bit more difficult than anticipated. However, in the long haul, it will be a definite positive experience for the future of the country compared to a temporary situation of leaning on a shovel,or pitching dirt with it somewhere.

It's Friday! Time To Be Happy













And ~ saving the best for last . . .

Thursday, November 16, 2017

It Will Never Be Enough - Part III

On November 1st I posted a follow up piece predicting that when the State Supreme Court finally got around to analyzing the legislature's last session budgetary increase for public schools as an answer to the McCleary decision, it would never be enough, and explained why in my reply to a legislator's boastings. Now that the court has announced it's decision, I've been vindicated!

If you go back to that post titled, "It Will Never Be Enough - Part II" and read it, you'll learn the reasons I told this legislator in the State House. I thought it was interesting that he never replied with any kind of retort or defense. With this news coming out this week, I was very tempted a few times over the last two days to send him either an email, or text message, saying, "I told you so!", but resisted that temptation to wag my finger in his face about it. I suspect that most likely he knew that what I said was correct and realized this would only piss him off all the more. Now that it's been validated, AND with the outcome of our recent election which has turned control of the State Senate over to the Democrats - thereby giving the whole government, Senate, House & Governor's office, control by liberals in the state - he's all too aware of how much of a fix he's now in as a Republican, come the next legislative session in 2018.

Having listened to the talk show host Todd Herman on one of the local radio channels explain why he believes the stage is now being set for a state income tax - something the voters have soundly rejected multiple times on state referendums - I tend to believe he's making sense that odds are now in favor of it happening within the next few years. The key to whether this will happen will be the test case in the State Supreme Court which will come from the City of Seattle. It is now considering a proposal of a city only income tax. However, the state's constitution clearly does not allow this unless such a tax is applied state wide. 

Herman believes that, based on the Supreme Courts' more recent decisions such as the "Hirst" issue having to do with rejecting an old 1945 water rights law protecting property owners in rural areas of the state as outdated, and the McCleary decision which tells the legislature how to conduct their funding for education - something which is clearly NOT within the powers of the State's Supreme Court - and fining the legislature on top of it to the tune of $100,000/day until they're satisfied they've "adequately funded" education, they will more than likely choose to regard any case which will eventually come before them to be acceptable and decide in favor of the heavily liberal dominated urban center of the state; Seattle.

I would be delighted if this turns out to be wrong, but I'm not holding my breath. Can you imagine how oppressive it will be to live in this state if we not only have a massive tax increase from the recently passed initiative called Prop. 1 - a.k.a. ST3 (Sound Transit 3) to pay for a boondoggle of a rapid transit expansion, on top of a state income tax? In my retirement on a fixed income I will, at that point be forced to take Billy Joel's advice from the lyrics of his hit song, "I'm movin' out!"

Is It Really Body Art, or Something Else?

Great examples of the mentality of millennials today which is screaming; "Look, look, look at me! I'm so wonderful and so unique! Yes, see just how different I am because I've been told by my parents while growing up just how special and wonderful I am!" 

Every time I pass someone on the street who looks like this, I can't help but notice their eyes are betraying their inner thoughts... that they're saying this to themself. It's also revealing where their priorities are... outward appearance is more important than inward character.

While it's true that not all millennials do this to themselves, it's obvious that these are dealing with a case of serious narcissism to compensate for whatever issue they're dealing with in their life.

Today's Employee Pool

...Westside, all around the town

S.N.A.P card redirect

"Wrongfully Convicted"
The system sucks!

And they…