Friday, March 30, 2018

Back Door Gun Control

If the Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, and the City Council have their way those living within Seattle's city limits will be subjected to the mercy of the criminal element lurking their neighborhoods. After all, if they can get away with ignoring federal immigration laws to protect illegals, why should they  worry about the Constitution's 2nd amendment?

Here's what the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action has recently alerted 2nd amendment supporters about:
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Councilmember M. Lorena González have announced their intention to introduce legislation to impose a one-size-fits-all method of storing firearms as well as punishing victims of theft by requiring reporting of lost or stolen firearms within 24 hours.
If they can't repeal the 2nd amendment, then they can try locking individual's firearms up so they essentially become useless for however much time it will take for the owner to access it, while hoping the intruder into their home doesn't already have the tactical advantage over them with the intruder's own weapon thrust in the face, or knife at their throat.

This move, I suspect, is a result of the pressure city council members and the Mayor are getting from their constituents who firmly believe that if you just talk nicely and smile, no one will have any malice, bad intentions, toward them. Knowing Khama Shawant and her extreme views on how to remedy issues, and for the radical socialist she is has proposed, I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to "one-up" the Mayor by initiating her own suggestion to pass a city ordinance requiring all guns within the city limits; believing that there would no longer be any "assault" weapons remaining with which to threaten anyone.

Why I Believe WA State Is The Next California

The state legislature shifts by one district seat, which is sufficient for the Democrat Party in the House in Olympia to shift the power to them, and what do they do? They pass laws which threaten to strip the state's constitution of the people's power to exercise petition rights and raid the state treasury's "rainy day fund"!

To anyone who understands the threat this action poses, it is clear that the Democrat Party in WA is making the very same moves, which have been and are, going on in California's state assembly. They're no longer interested in working within the confines of established government restrictions under the principle that "...all power resides in the people." No, they want to become the controlling elite and dictate from their positions of power and control.

The article recently posted from Tim Eyman - WA's single, most effective advocate for combating such measures of government tyranny in Olympia - it is clear that what I've described above is precisely what's happening after the first legislative session of their taking control of the legislative process. 

If they remain in power, I ask... what's next? Does WA become a sanctuary state? I pray the citizens of our lovely state don't wake up some day and discover it's too late to take back control of the direction the Democrat Party wants to take it.
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Thursday, March 29, 2018

To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state (cc'd to the media, house & senate members, and Governor, and other candidates for office)

From: Tim Eyman, Jack Fagan, & Mike Fagan, Fighting for Taxpayers for 20 years, 425-493-9127,,

A few weeks ago, I sued the Legislature because in the final days of the legislative session, they essentially repealed initiatives to the legislature. They established an extraordinarily dangerous precedent that if left unchallenged would seriously undermine the initiative process. Eyman v Wyman asks the Court to overturn their unconstitutional actions and let the voters vote on both Initiative 940 and the Legislature's alternative HB 3003 this November.

But that's not the only thing this Legislature did that deserves to be challenged.

Yesterday, I sued the Legislature a 2nd time because the Democrats also unconstitutionally diverted $700 million from the constitutionally-protected Rainy Day Fund. It's another horrible precedent that if left unchallenged will result in the destruction of the Rainy Day Fund. Eyman v Davidson asks the Court to find their actions constitutionally impermissible. It's important to remember that 67.7% of voters created the Rainy Day Fund in 2007 and 66.6% of voters strengthened the Rainy Day Fund in 2011.

To fully understand the issues involved, read it yourself:


(Sorry, but I can't make either one of those addresses into a hyperlink -- very frustrating -- please cut and paste one of those web addresses into your search to read the brief).

Attorney General refuses to act

Shortly after the Governor signed this diversion of Rainy Day Funds into law on Tuesday, I sent a letter to the Attorney General asking him to initiate legal proceedings challenging the Legislature's unconstitutional actions.

His response? "I cannot conclude ... (that) the actions you request clearly serve the interests of the public in their capacity as taxpayers. I therefore decline to take the actions that you request."

Really? Upholding the state Constitution doesn't serve the taxpayers interests? Stopping $700 million from being diverted doesn't serve the public's interests? Ensuring the $700 million goes into the Rainy Day Fund doesn't serve the interests of the public in their capacity as taxpayers?

That doesn't make any sense.

I asked the AG to do that to earn taxpayer standing in the case (I have standing to challenge their actions for several other reasons, but taxpayer standing is one of them). And all he had to write was: "I am the Legislature's lawyer, not the taxpayers' lawyer, I will defend any action by this Legislature, no matter what." But he didn't say that. He said that defending the state Constitution's provisions related to the Rainy Day Fund does not "serve the interests of the public in their capacity as taxpayers." That's just bizarre.

Why are you suing Duane?

It is incredibly ironic that the lead Defendant in this case is State Treasurer Duane Davidson. Why? Because he was the elected official most vehemently opposed to the Democrats' raid on the Rainy Day Fund. He said it imperiled bond ratings, he said it set a dangerous precedent, he warned of recessions and inadequate reserves, and he said it was irresponsible and self-inflicted wound.

So why is he named in the case? He oversees the state treasury, which includes the Rainy Day Fund, as serves as the state's Chief Financial Officer. From the Complaint: "Plaintiff (Eyman) asks the court to declare the diversion of revenues in SB 6614 unconstitutional, enjoin Defendants (the Legislature) from spending those diverted revenues, and order the State Treasurer (Duane Davidson) to fulfill his constitutional obligation to ensure the integrity of the Rainy Day Fund by ensuring the transfer of extraordinary revenue growth into the Rainy Day Fund as required by Article 7, section 12 of the Constitution."

Why am I suing the Legislature in Eyman v Wyman? To protect the initiative process.

Why am I suing the Legislature in Eyman v Davidson? To protect the Rainy Day Fund.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

How Bad Does It Have To Get?

I've most likely asked this question before in previous posts. And what I'm about to write most likely - given the current censorship climate which exists in these "Titans of the Internet" - will lead to this blog site shutting me down. We'll see.

I work at a sport venue in downtown Seattle during the season which is about to begin tomorrow. I've done it for two-and-a-half years now. Previously, I worked at the other sports venue across the street for another team doing essentially the same thing; providing security services for five years during events. So, over the total of eight years I've personally witnessed the transformation of the northern area of the SODO district - an area of diverse businesses from fast food franchises to large companies like FILSON. The transformation has been depressing and incomprehensible to me.

In 2009, when I first began working at these sporting venues the streets were reasonably decent in that one could get about without concern of being approached by some stranger and not being sure what to expect if an exchange of some type occurred. Now, as I walk two blocks from stepping off the bus to the gate entrance to the stadium, I see mini-tent cities in almost every vacant patch of land I go by. When city police try to get them gone, they only pop up a few days later with someone else living there. Panhandling is difficult to avoid now. Some unfortunate individuals who've left events at either of these sporting venues have been killed by them as they've walked to their favorite bar or just their car to go home.

The homeless occupation, as I call it, has grown over those years because of Seattle city council's policies which have not only invited these people, but they have continually increased funding over that same time period. And it doesn't appear they will change course.

Only blocks to the east is what's been called "The Jungle". During this same period of time the population of tent dwellers - this is the dominant mode of dwelling for the homeless - increased in a stretch of state owned land underneath the raised Interstate freeway which skirts along the eastern hillside of the SODO district as the freeway approaches downtown Seattle where Interstate 90 intersects with I-5. Within this "Jungle" was a combination of drug addicts and prostitution with some children living with their parents. It was a huge issue for a few years and finally was shut down and purged by the city's police after a shooting death occurred.

However, that problem merely shifted over the time since then to one of a run down RVs or other types of vehicles parked on the curbs of certain neighborhoods. Occasional news reports have revealed that the drug use and sex trafficking has merely moved into these "squatters on wheels". A judge in Seattle recently ruled that a man living in his pickup truck could not have it towed away because it was his house.

With all of these developments happening which defend, if not protect, homeless people and illegals working in the city - Seattle is a sanctuary city - I wonder just how much worse things will get. To get an idea of what the future conditions might be, I invite you to read an article by a highly respected columnist about what was going on in the region of California he lives in back in 2010; about the same time I started working in Seattle. 

Then too, there's another aspect of this growing problem our nation is facing which some may find even more offensive... the threat of foreigners coming into our country demanding we change to their laws and customs. If you believe that this statement is not true, then I invite you to watch this video of what's been happening in Europe that much of our mainstream news has chosen to not shared with its viewers. WARNING, the content is horrific in some instances, but if we are to be fully aware of what threat is coming our way, we can not hide our heads in the sand and hope it will go away. There have been similar instances of these kinds of assaults and rioting in certain enclaves of the U.S. We just haven't been exposed to them in the news under the sanitized "feel good" type news most outlets feed the public today.

Thank God for the advent of the Internet when it comes to having alternative news sources; especially from outside the U.S.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

It's Illegal to Require Illegals to Admit They're Illegal?

So, how exactly, does that work? I smell a week old dead fish here.

In yet another weird twist of "legal obfuscation and miss-direction" the California state's A.G. has filed a law suit against the Trump Administration to include in the 2020 Census a question requiring illegal aliens to declare whether they're in the country illegally, or not.

This type of mental gymnastics is revealing a pattern for liberal/socialists. Over the last administration's two terms, the liberal/socialists have apparently established sufficient numbers of liberal/socialist leaning judges in courts all across the country to use as their legal "stop gap go to" for countering any actions by the unexpected win by conservatives in the last election.

If you'll recall, it started with the judge in Hawaii ruling that  putting a halt on allowing foreigners in to the country by Pres. Trump was illegal. And there have been a series of such similar type rulings on various other attempts for the new conservative administration to implement changes to policies deemed potentially threatening to American citizens.

This fits perfectly with the ideology of blurring the lines of black & white when it comes to long established legal issues which have been clear for centuries in America. It's obvious to me that this is yet another strategy by leftist/socialists to use key wording and concept manipulation to slowly, but steadily, blur the lines of today's youth who know very little to nothing about the country's history or concept regarding civics because it's not been taught in public schools for decades now.

If this trend continues for much longer, we will, I believe, see the country break out into civil war as I've been saying for years now. Remember, my favorite saying is this... "If there's no rule of law, there's no rules at all!"

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Failure of Public School Discipline Policies

As a former public school teacher, who, for the last six years of his 30 year career teaching middle-school Science, I experienced first hand the frustration of having any and all control taken away from my classroom when it came to disruptive student behavior.

All we were allowed to do was send them to the office for being dealt with by the Vice Principle most of the time. Because the trend of removing any form of corporal punishment was stripped from the discipline policies of public schools starting around the time I entered to profession in the late '70s, the behavior noticeably worsened over the years.

What was the new policy? It started out with detention; students sitting in a designated room at the end of the school day for a specific period of time. I, on occasion, was the teacher serving duty in such rooms, as much of the staff were required to do. In essence, this was merely a delay in being able, for those incorrigible students who most likely never had a father figure in their upbringing, to hang out with their friends after school.

Many of them were repeat offenders. Over time this policy was dropped because it failed to reduce the frequency and quantity of disruptions by those students who, because they were smart enough to understand there really were no consequences to the actions, knew they were in control and that misbehavior was not actually a threat to them. If they ever were suspended, or expelled, they considered it a release from the place where they were basically a prisoner from being able to spend time being productive; dealing drugs with their friends, extorting someone for money, stealing cars, etc.

Now, details are coming out about the Parkland, FL high school student who was one of these types; orphaned, fostered into another home, tossed around by the school district and his behavior record disguised to "hopefully" rehabilitate him with "restorative justice" policies rather than some tough love he needed along with the kind of counseling services he obviously needed. Then too, he may, at that point, have been beyond help. But, it ended in the loss of 17 innocent lives - three being staff members of the school - and the students and media go after the tool he used to commit the atrocity. 

Yea, that'll solve the problem of these type students amidst our youth. His defense lawyer says he's a broken human being... Nooooooo, ya think? Here we go with the bleeding liberal heart angle that created the problem in the first place.

Have Blacks Benefited With Elected Black Leaders?

Watch and decided for yourself...

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Proof Leftists Are Striving to Sabotage America

The cartoon above makes a statement which is more true than many who saw it a few months ago realized. Institutions of higher learning have now become dominantly centers for liberalism. No doubt readers have seen example after example recently of how this is so. But this story takes the cake!

In an unprecedented move for any former President, Barrack Huessain O. not only has established the Organizing for Action group to recruit and train acolytes of Saul Alynski, he's also now teaching a class on how to impeach the man who has replaced him... President Trump!

You read that right. Don't believe me? Use this link to get the details here. (BTW... you might find what Ben Shapiro told Congress for 25 minutes recently about this very issue. A bit long for today's average attention span, but very informative.)

Still doubt it? Watch David Hogg - the new face of the anti-gun movement - in these two videos. It's clear he's speaking about a "pure democracy", not a democratic republic we have. I predict we're going to eventually learn that the leftists have been giving this kid "new king" treatment to help him promote their agenda.

If the leftists succeed, we may, sometime in the future, end up like Venezuela. After all, the tradition of Latin American revolution has been the tradition of fixing the problem of inflation; just overthrow the old form of government.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Oh Really Mr. Hogg?

Yes, folks, it seems that things haven't changed, and they never will. Our youth today have got the world by the tail, know just how to solve things, are so experienced about how the world works, and they know better than anyone else how to solve problems, that they now feel they can now claim that we adults don't know how to use a f@#king democracy, and that we're more interested in seeing those dollar signs, despite the blood spattered on their faces from those students who were killed in the latest tragedy. That's what the 17 year old survivor of the Parkland High School massacre has said to the country in his latest video posting.

Update: And then, there was his speech at the "March for Life" Saturday, March 24th.

His new found fame as the spokesman for the youth against gun violence has clearly, but sadly, gone to his head. Mr. Hogg, I would guess, most likely doesn't even know how to explain the difference between a representative republic and a democracy, because the public schools of this country haven't even taught a civics course - basic Constitutional concepts in our founding document - since the early '70s when I graduated from high school. I doubt he's ever heard the definition of how democracy works in a simple, but revealing quote; "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner."

This type of situation, where a tragic event is seized by someone who happens to be clever enough to use their skill of a combination of looks - he's a good looking young man - is tech savvy, self-assured and articulate, along with the propaganda his liberal teachers have fed him since elementary school to rise in mere weeks to national attention and following - the media is lapping this up - is precisely what I've been concerned about for years now. 

He has no perspective on being concerned about protecting a family of loved ones from crazy individuals who could accomplish the same task with some other inanimate object - knife, scissors, sword, axe, grenade, bomb, etc. - that causes anyone to bleed; only himself and his peers from those terrible, horrible things that go bang, bang! No, it's got to be the tool, not the person who controls it ,and their distorted mental state. Run with the feelings, not rational, logical thinking. They don't teach critical thinking in school, even college, anymore.

It would be interesting to learn the truth about just how poorly his classmates treated this perpetrator of the massacre while he was a student among them at this school. As an experienced teacher, I can assure you that it most likely wasn't good. Of course, they'd take no responsibility, or admit any participation in, their treatment of him in any unfriendly, uncaring, or bullying way.
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
For the sake of comparison, let's look at another situation where loss of life was eminent, but turned out completely different:

Tim Schmidt
"No news is good news."

I'm sure you've heard that 

one before. The phrase, 

possibly adapted from 

James I of England, who 

purportedly once said, "No 

news is better than evil 

news," suggests that, without any 

information or evidence to the 

contrary, we can assume that all is 


That must be why the mainstream 

media has uttered but a peep about 

the latest school shooting out of St. 

Mary's County, Maryland. 

According to, "The 

school resource officer on duty at 

Great  Mills High School engaged the 

shooter and stopped the threat" 

Tuesday  morning, leaving the 17-year-

old gunman dead.

St. Mary's County Sheriff Tim 

Cameron said that "School Resource 

Officer  Deputy First Class Blaine 

Gaskill immediately responded and 

engaged  the shooter," identified by 

authorities as Austin Wyatt Rollins. 

Cameron noted that "only seconds — 

'less than a  minute' — elapsed 

between the time when the first shot 

rang out, and when Deputy Gaskill 

eliminated the threat to other students 

in the hallway."

Deputy Gaskill eliminated the threat to 

other students in the hallway. "Rollins 

killed one student — a 16-year- old 

female — and injured a 14-year- 

old male before Gaskill was able to 

stop the threat. 

Jay Weber of The Jay Weber Show

noted on Wednesday that this story 

isn't getting "nearly the coverage it 

deserves or it should" and said he 

couldn't even "assume that all listeners 

have even heard about this story." He 

weighed in on why the media hasn't 

jumped to share this news out of 

Maryland: "It's an in-your-face 

response to the anti-gun ninnies who 

say armed guards in schools or trained 

staffers carrying in schools don't make 

the schools safer. They sure as heck 

do. The Maryland story proves it 


So no news is good news — except in 

the media. In the media, good news, 

especially that involving firearms, is

NO news, because it doesn't further a 

decidedly anti-gun agenda. 

Our very own Mark Walters once said 

something on his Armed American 

Radio show that I wrote down and 

saved, and I think it's pretty fitting 


"The media controls the narrative … 

not only by what they tell us, but — 

more importantly — by what they


By what they leave out. By what they 

don't want you to know." 

Indeed. That being said, here's what 

the media doesn't want you to know 

about what happened in Maryland (I'm 

not sure who the original author of this 

list is, but it's too good not to share): 

What DIDN'T stop Austin Wyatt 

-Maryland's "assault weapons" ban 

-Maryland's 10-round magazine limit 

-Maryland's universal background 

check requirement 

-Maryland's law requiring an 

exhaustive application process to 

obtain a permit to purchase a handgun

-Maryland's law prohibiting purchase 

of more than one firearm per month 

-Maryland's law requiring handgun 


-Maryland's law requiring licensing of

handgun owners 

-Maryland's extremely limited approval 

of concealed carry permits 

-Maryland's refusal to honor any 

concealed carry permit from another 


-Federal law prohibiting handgun 

purchases for people under 21 

-Laws against carrying without a 


-Gun-free zone laws 

-Laws against discharging a firearm in 


-Laws against attempted murder 

What DID stop Austin Wyatt Rollins:
-An armed person at the scene who

engaged the shooter in less than a 


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Breaking Apart the Fabric of America

As a young boy - I was the youngest of four boys in my family - growing up in the late '50s & through the '60s I cherished any and every opportunity to spend time with my father. Time with him was sparse because he encountered difficulties of generating sufficient income to feed, clothe, and house us and almost always seemed to be away from home working. I recall vividly how my next older brother and I had to beg him for weeks to go on a one night camping experience not that far from our home we rented. 

One summer was especially difficult in that we had to endure a drought of funds and resorted to growing a large vegetable garden to survive until he could land a job. I never knew how my mom did it, but I learned there were more ways to prepare zucchini than I ever imagined. After that experience, I never wanted to eat another piece of that vegetable ever again! Despite those circumstances there were still brief moments where I clearly learned of his love for us all, and I admired his efforts to provide for us. It gave me a good foundation by which to raise my own two daughters who have become solid, contributing adults now to our very fragile society.

But the more important, and bigger issue, this life experience taught me was that I was blessed with growing up with a father figure in my life, unlike many of the elementary students I taught later as an adult. My career as a teacher crystallized in my mind just how significant this lack of a father can be in impacting the development of boys. Every year when the parent/teacher conferencing came around the number of families that had a biological father in the home decreased ever so slightly.

Now, recent research has confirmed what I've long suspected and feared; the goal of breaking apart the fabric of the cohesiveness of the American society has been a long, but successful endeavor of those force interested in taking down the American culture in order to conquer it; not by the typical means of warfare, but from within through the gradual blurring of our moral values. I refer my readers to a prior post here on my blog which lists the 45 goals of the communist party in America to understand why I say this.(Which items in this list do you think have contributed to an increase in single parent households?)

What has confirmed my personal suspicions? Recently Tucker Carlson's show has taken on the issue of the impact of fatherless boys in our country. I urge my readers to use the links below to view the series on this topic and determine for yourself just how significant this has been on our culture. For anyone who disputes any of the points made here, fine, you have a right to your own opinion, but you don't have a right to your own facts.
  1. Men in America: Part 1
  2. Men in America: Part 2
  3. Men in America: Part 3 
  4. Men in America: Part 4 
Reminder: Want to better understand why our youth of today don't understand why what's going on in the arena of politics is extremely dangerous to their future? Watch this brief interview all the way through with Richard Dryfus. To anyone with half a brain it will make perfect sense.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

That's An Understatement!

Upon opening and reading the first two paragraphs of today's - 3/20/18 - email intro. from The Morning Wire, my reaction was essentially a more crude expression to this posts title, which commonly uses a vulgar reference to Sherlock. I'll let you fill in the first two words.

Anyway, here's what it said:
The 2018 legislative session was one of the more productive in recent memory, driven in significant part by the leadership of the Senate Democrats.  As one legislator told me last week, "There was some significant pent up demand there."

This week, we're seeing some of the session tension blow off, while some other tension builds among the King County Democrats.
The first sentence's opening phrase, correctly interpreted actually means; "The 2018 legislative session nearly got us Democrats the opportunity to get a state income tax passed, but the public's opposition to it was too strong." The last phrase of that first sentence correctly interpreted actually says; "... driven by the Senate Democrats' lust for sucking the people's life blood out of them." And, if there was any kind of "pent up demand", it came from their desire to have someone like Shama Sawant become their leader and enforce greater control over every tax payer's livelihood, because more is never enough for them.

Now, with the legislative session over, the King County Democrats are becoming all the more frustrated that Gov. Inslee's carbon tax failed to become law this session and are beginning to attack one another for the way their plans are turning out for the City Council passing a "head tax" and the reaction people of Seattle are giving them for funding government funded heroin dens.

... because they want power back!

Laura Ingraham gives a good synopsis of what's gone in with the Democrats during the first 18 months of the Trump administration and contrasts it with what they engaged in during the Obama administration.

You'll be saying to yourself, "Yea... Wow, I forgot about all that stuff!"

What Does Ultimate Bureaucracy Look Like?

Watch this great video from Prager U with Nigel Farage of the U.K. explain it. It's more than you can imagine!

And the liberal/socialists want the U.S. to do the same over here with Canada & Mexico!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Speaking Truth to Power

James sets the record straight on what Project Veritas' goal is.

There are few brave souls today like James O'Keefe and his Project Veritas.

I had this 30minute video of Jame being interviewed about his latest book, "American Pravda" on C-SPAN and he is asked by the moderator to explain what the purpose of his organization is about. He also fields and responds to questions from callers; C-SPAN's standard format for its guests. What he explains is a breath of fresh air when it comes to the massively lopsided bias of the mainstream media today.

Any time anyone challenges the establishment which is only interested in maintaining the deception of the public by perpetuating the lies they tell, they're going experience a lot of push back and character assassination.

I urge you to take the time to watch this fascinating segment to gain a more accurate understanding and insight into why he's done what he has, and still is; speaking truth to power which tends to be corrupt.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Future Projections Not That Rosy

For a Baby Boomer like myself, the financial news isn't promising.

As I transition from working my backside off for decades I want to be able to rest assured that I'm going to be able to enjoy my sunset years. 
Yes, I've invested. Yes, I have a pension. But certain indicators project a not-so-rosy outlook down the financial road, it makes me highly concerned that not all of what I expect from my "nest egg" may not be there when I need it. Being what Rush Limbaugh calls a citizen of "Realville", I remember all too well how both my wife and I lost one-third of our investments in the 2007/08 recession after the housing market collapsed.

I know - some of you are saying "What rock have you been living under, buddy?" You're probably saying this because of the phenomenal rise in stock market volume and earnings. Yes, I admit this has been great for the economy, but that is only a temporary thing; it never lasts forever! And, yes, Trump's reduction of federal regulations which has handcuffed businesses in the past has played a role in this as well.

But as the saying goes, "What goes up, must come down." Here's why I say that: demographic projections. People are the engine of the economy and we can't ignore this fact.

What am I getting at? Well, here's an example: one financial analyst’s predictions over many decades which argue that he's got something to his thesis. Who is this person? You may have heard of him because of the books he's written on that thesis; Harry Dent. (‘Ive provided this general link to allow my reader to make the decision as to whether, or not, his take on demographics has merit.) Personally, I don't understand why anyone would discount his work because it seems to be grounded on sound factual theory and precedence.

One point I find interesting in this outlook is the real estate market. (I must note here that this factor is applied to the nation as a whole. There are regions where it will not apply.) Right now "Baby Boomers" who own houses are beginning to sell them at a rate that may soon outpace the younger generations who want to buy them. If there are fewer younger people who are buying houses for sale by a larger age group, then naturally the housing market will suffer a depression to some degree. Just how bad that will be is more difficult to predict.

I'm not trying to be the proverbial "Debbie Downer", but given the current pension debt condition of many states today - I'll let the reader do their own research on this topic – I conclude that things are not looking as rosy as our media sources want us to believe. I'm always reminded of something I learned years ago; those in authority don't always want the public to know just how bad things really are, in order to avoid pubic panicking and creating an out of control situation, in hopes that their policies will somehow work them out of that fiscal hole in which they've found themselves.

What's the average Joe to do?