Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Confusion on the N.Y. Terrorist Attack

I don't know about you, but I get the distinct feeling from all the recent revelations regarding the claim of collusion by the Trump campaign to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Now, with yesterday's terrorist attack we are see a coordinated effort by both the liberal left and the establishment right in both Congress and the mainstream media to push the same narrative that is attempting to negate any connection with radical Islam.

If you've paid attention over the years of repeated attacks and noticed the evidence repeating who the perpetrators were, it's obvious to any logical and mentally stable person to conclude that when the attacker shouts the phrase, "Allahu Akbar" in the process, or afterwards, loud enough to be heard clearly, then the common thread is what I consider the "war cry" by the radicalized Jhihadist that this act is part of a unified, but separate, ideology to wage war on "the infidels". Yet, those on the left, or establishment right in Congress, make Herculean efforts to couch their remarks to divert any connection to with radical Islamic Jihad and the perp! Instead, they recite the mantra, "Islam is a religion of peace!" The more important question, then, is why would they assert this?

I believe the majority of news consumers, busy with their daily lives - assuming they're working to earn a living - don't spend much, if any, actual time thinking, or researching such points in order to better understand the truth behind all these terrorist attackers' real intentions. Liberals who promote the claim that Islam is a religion of peace understand all too well the psychology behind repeating this statement. Busy citizens want to trust the "authorities" who are on television or radio and leave it mostly at that. In other words, liberals know that most of the public who consume news will accept their statements at face value, or without question as true. That liberals can somehow convince them that they should ignore  clips from Iran, or Syria, where Jihadists are shouting "Death to America!", or "Death to infidels!" is beyond my ability to understand.

One of the seemingly subtle points that is part of the narrative is that the phrase shouted by the perp is, "Allahu Akbar". Some state that it means "God is great!" while others have stated, or claim, that it actually means "God is greater!" Some will argue that this subtle difference doesn't really matter. I contend that it does. If one researches the meaning behind the phrase, as this page does, (here's another link for this) we learn that it has a multitude of meanings depending on who you choose to accept. But that this phrase is unclear, to me, reveals what I perceive to be a deliberate obfuscation; mostly on the part of Muslim Imams. While it is true that Christians often use the phrase "Glory be to God!", or "Praise the Lord", how many Christians of our modern era have you heard shout any such type of phrase praising God in this way while in the act of terrorizing the public while mowing them down, or cutting off someone's head? None!

Another phrase which the MSM is keen on using now about this individual attacks is "Lone Wolf". In my view, this is very misleading. It portrays the concept that these individuals are working alone. Nothing could be more untrue. The radical Muslims understand the need to work within a loose network of coordination and support to provide guidance and encouragement via social networks and the black Internet. Let's be honest... those who engage in illegal, or religious war in this case, will naturally operate in the shadows to avoid scrutiny.

And what of a potential solution? I personally would like to see a greater concerted effort by those in the media who understand this deception within the narrative put more effort into educating the public; much as some networks are doing by having former Jihadists on to answer such questions. We've been dealing with this infiltration and attack on our culture by Muslim radicals for decades now, I would think that by now we could get it together. Unfortunately, it seems the control of the MSM outlets are currently winning that war of misleading the country. Yet, there are some indications that this tide is slowly changing. Because of this reality, we must persevere in exposing this false narrative, for this the only way we be successful in defeating it.

Footnote: The following does a unique job of explaining the whole conundrum:
The problem with being a Muslim:
They're not happy in Gaza ...
They're not happy in Egypt ...
They're not happy in Libya .....
They're not happy in Morocco ...
They're not happy in Iran ......
They're not happy in Iraq ...
They're not happy in Yemen ......
They're not happy in Afghanistan ...
They're not happy in Pakistan .....
They're not happy in Syria ...
They're not happy in Lebanon ....
They're happy in England ....
They're happy in Canada ..
They're happy in Australia .....
They're happy in France ...
They're happy in Italy ...
They're happy in Germany .....
They're happy in Sweden ...
They're happy in the USA .....
They're happy in Norway ...
They're happy in Holland ...
They're happy in Denmark ....
Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like....
Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...
How damn [stupid] can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim
Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide. 
Let’s have a look at the evidence:
- No Christmas
- No television
- No nude women
- No football
- No pork chops
- No hot dogs
- No burgers
- No beer
- No bacon
- Rags for clothes
- Towels for hats
- Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower
- More than one wife
- More than one mother in law
- You can't shave
- Your wife can't shave
- You can't wash off the smell of donkey poop
- You cook over burning camel poop
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you 
Then they tell you that "when you die, it all gets better"??
Well, no poop Sherlock!....
It's not like it could get much worse! 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Parenting Is Hard?

I laughed when I got an email from my Cable/Internet Service Provider advertising their latest technological feature for customers using their cable service. Why? Because the beginning graphic on the video of a crying child says, "Parenting Is Hard..."

Really? So, their implied solution is that all you have to do now to make your crying child happy is just grab your remote and speak into it what you need to have on the flat screen and "voila!" the problem is solved, the kids are happy, and boy, isn't that feature just wonderful!

So, how did we ever do parenting before this technological capability came along? After raising two daughters in the mid-eighties and nineties, I feel so cheated now that my cable provider has made parenting less stressful! Wow! How did any parent survive before this came along? If I'd have known this was going to come along later, I would've waited to have kids until now!

And to think that the paid employees who cooked up this advertising concept are most likely millennials who are pulling down at least a six figure salary that helps pay for their household "Nanny"! Yep, parenting sure is hard. And oh, in case you haven't gotten the memo...

Happy Halloween!

A cabbie picks up a Nun......
She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her.
She asks him why he is staring.
He replies: 'I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you.'
She answers, 'My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.'
'Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.'
She responds, 'Well, let's see what we can do about that:
#1, you have to be single and
#2, you must be Catholic.'
The cab driver is very excited and says,
'Yes, I'm single and Catholic!'
'OK' the nun says.. 'Pull into the next alley.'
The nun fulfils his fantasy, with a kiss that would make a hooker blush.
But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.
'My dear child,' says the nun, 'why are you crying?'
'Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish.'
The nun says, 'That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party.'
Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 30, 2017

What Is America To Me?

Tonight Laura Ingraham debuted her show, The Ingraham Angle. Her opening monologue was classic Laura, memorable enough for me to want to transcribe it here for posterity; even though it is on video here.
I want to start by posing a basic question. The one that Sinatra asked in that old song, 'What is America to me?' It's a question that gets lost in the constant infighting that consume us here in Washington. Ronald Reagan said that the American dream is not that every man must be level with every other man, the American dream is that every man must become what God intends he should become.
But over the past few decades, the government became an obstacle to realizing that dream. Look, politics is supposed to b a career devoted to public service; protecting our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But for too long it was dominated by special interests, big business, and, of course, the media elite. The politicians were supposed to be helping you! Instead, they helped themselves. They were elected to run the government, not to run you over with it.
Millions of Americans voted for Trump because they'd had enough. They were tired of being bullied by politicians, and the so called "experts" who gave us endless wars, saddled us with 20 trillion dollars and left us with a border more wide open than Harvey Weinstein's robe. They were tired of the ruling bi-partisan elites in Washington and a media establishment that didn't just cover them, but covered for them.
Day to day, what do most of you worry about? Paying the bills, sending your kids to a decent school, your health care, maybe saving something for your retirement? Most of us, I think, want three things; prosperity, safety, liberty. And that includes preserving our history. 
So far, despite the endless, negative reporting we the people are doing pretty good under Trump. The economy is soaring, unemployment is down, the trade deficit is down, Trump is renegotiating NAFTA and other unfair trade deals, he's reforming the VA, he's appointed incredible judges to the bench - more coming this week - and, of course, Justice Gorsich to the Supreme Court. He's enforcing the border, novel concept, and deporting violent criminals. Who doesn't want that?
So,what are Trump's opponents resisting again? I'll tell ya. What they're really resisting is losing power! The people took the power back on election day. And the establishment is mad as hell. Let's face it, they really don't like the American people; not very much, at least, or their forefathers.
There's a self loathing in the air... do you feel it? Forces hell bent on erasing our historical memory? American monuments, works of art, literature, the works of men and women who imperfectly made their mark on the American experiment are being ripped from the classrooms and the public square. The memories and works of Washington, Jefferson, General Lee, heck even Harper Lee, are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
What kind of country are we leaving our children? We owe future generations the opportunity to understand the glories, and yes, the sins, of the people who made these United States of America. Our children have a right to be fully informed, a right to a complete record of what went before, and yes, the chance to ask themselves, in time, what is America to me?
In George Washington's farewell address, written with Alexander Hamilton, he said, 'Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens...' What we believe, our love of God, family and country.
These aren't trite relics of the past, but are at the core of who we are as Americans. This show is going to be about all of this. And certainly the cultural, political and legal battles of the day. But something more... how all that affects your life and that of your family's. I take all of this very personally. I'm doing this because I care about what's happening to this country, to our children, and our children's children.
 Now, there'll be times when you disagree with me, and sometimes vehemently so. And I'm sure you're gonna let me know. But all I'll say is I'm gonna call it as I see it, as I've done for the past twenty years. And I'm going to get answers for you, and I'm gonna hold the powerful accountable - and that includes you, Mr. President - and every night with you, we'll continue to ask this question; what is America to me? To all of us.

How the States Can Save America

Would you believe it if I told you that our Founding Fathers understood our self-government experiment might get out of control?

If you agree we're currently at that dangerous threshold of "no return" when it comes to most every aspect of our current governance, then I urge you to watch this latest well done video by Prager U, and listen with an open mind about what our Founding Fathers unanimously approved as part of the Constitution after it was almost left out.

More Proof of Insurrection From Within

With the mainstream media supporting the narrative of "white nationalism", KKK, fear, hate, and racism, as justification for groups and organizations such as BLM, antifa, and social justice warriors attacking those who assemble to exercise their first amendment rights, they ignore the more subtle tactics and actions taken against those who schedule events to communicate information and facts to those who attend.
"The travesty is that the anti-free speech leftists and Muslims conduct their operations against the First Amendment under this faux argument that they want to promote dialogue."
Case in point... Shahram Haidian*, are former Muslim from Iran who converted to Christianity and who's family immigrated to Canada and then the U.S. has been harassed and intimidated during his speaking tour through the mid-west this fall. Here's one interesting paragraph pulled from the article which accounts this experience:
"Kirby had to move his event at the last minute to the public library, where he was met by protesters from members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, and an allied group called Indivisible, which has been financed by George Soros and has ties to former President Barack Obama’s Organizing for Action."
I've commented on Soros and Organizing for Action in the past. What is made even more clear in this article from WND is that there is a coordinated effort by these leftist groups and organizations (Be sure to click on the "Indivisible" link in the pull quote above to read about and watch a training video on this national movement.) to implement the November 4th actions by them in an attempt to shut down Pres. Trump's agenda by using these Saul Alynski tactics used by the former president during his term, but in more subtle ways. Liberals are more effective at their efforts and actions because they are able to doggedly organize those who are unhindered by work. I personally believe this welfare state has been a long range plan of socialists and leftists to utilize the ranks of those who've become dependent on government handouts.

The irony is rich when one thinks back to the day when the Tea Party crowds assembled in Washington, D.C. over too big government and high taxes, and the media did their best to characterize them negatively as threatening and "AstroTurf". Yet, with more recent actions at town halls by liberals shouting down their representatives, the media is characterizing these actions as a resurgence of community activism because the new administration has awakened "grassroots anger". So, which is it?

If this type of social upheaval, intimidation, and threats - both at small speaking events and in various locations around the nation on Nov. 4th - is not dealt with for what it actually is, attempted insurrection and overthrow of our representative republic system of freedom under the law, then we're going to be in for some rough times. Could this particular event be a taste of what might ensue?

I pray they're not successful and our law enforcement is adequately prepared wherever these events occur and are dealt with effectively to prevent any harm or damage . Keep alert and safe! If we buckle to their disregard for our 1st amendment right to say our views on a topic or group that threatens our culture, then we need to take a stand and defend it at the local level like the man in the video within the article linked above.

It was Pres. Lincoln who aptly pointed out that the only way our nation would be destroyed was from within.

* Shahram was a resident of Everett where he was minister of his church and ran for Washington State Governor in 2012. He later moved to eastern Washington and has been very active in exposing the truth about Islam and their long range intentions for America.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Prime Example of Liberal Group Think

I'm not a psychologist, so I don't claim to understand the psychology behind this current trend, but I have lived long enough to see what today's liberal group think is really about from a common sense perspective; you know, that way of thinking using life's experience that most in the younger generations seem to feel is not worth applying because they are smarter than us older folk?

The movement today amidst these younger generations - especially liberals who believe morality is relative - have latched onto this concept that individuality and the difference of ideas about most anything which doesn't fit into their philosophy is unacceptable. If they are exposed to something, say a statue of someone from a by-gone era commemorating their heroic or brave character of standing up for their convictions, or a plaque remembering their contribution to society in their day, or the virtues they are admired for, and it doesn't align or fit their concept of history, makes them uncomfortable, or "unsafe", then it should be removed or taken down. (Personally, I believe the use of the term "unsafe" is merely a ruse to play on the emotions of people and appear to justify the removal of whatever is objected to.)

Case in point... most of us who've learned about George Washington; the key role he played in guiding our fledgling nation to victory, freedom and prosperity after battling the then most powerful and feared empire on the planet, would feel that he should permanently be recognized and honored for his contribution to the liberties and freedoms we tend to take for granted today. After all, it's all we've ever known.

But not the members of Washington's church he used to attend where there's a plaque recognizing his place in the nation's history. No, because of the mindset of liberals being ignorant, or deliberately discounting the context of the period from which such great men were significant in their actions and character, they instead feel that because he was a slave owner, an old white Christian who wore a white wig and incorrectly conclude that having participated in the French & Indian Wars that he was a racist for contributing to the extermination of those people, his memory or recognition should be eliminated simply because of other's inaccurate and incorrect understanding of him in that church.

This same phenomenon has occurred around our country for several decades now. Most churches have services which are unrecognizable to someone from a century ago. No, today's ministers seem more concerned about filling the pews - and thus the collection plate - as the more important issue rather than teaching what God, through scripture wants us to learn; forgiveness, humility, or redemption to name a few. Here's a commentary from Glenn Beck on this very issue.

The religious scholars of academia have done their part too, to call into question the accuracy and interpretation of the scriptures; saying much of what we've been handed down through the King James Version is not really what happened. The book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, for example, is one example which turns the traditional theology on its head using speculative conjecturing and hearsay to support its thesis.

Pure and simple, this follows the same pattern as all other situations in the past in other countries where revolutionary agitators have used the ignorance of the people to modify their culture to one which is focused on envy, jealousy, resentment of difference, and human desire to seek revenge and social justice. Is this why now we're seeing "social justice warriors" running rampant on college campuses across our nation... because they've been brainwashed into pushing for erasing our nation's culture to morph it into a socialist state?

It seems that the following passage from scripture which comes to my mind, is more and more appropriate for the kinds of events and thinking that's dominating today, comes from the prophetic verses in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.