Friday, January 26, 2018

We're Beyond The Finger In The Dam

Over the past month news has been steadily mounting through daily revelations about the fact based truth regarding what had actually been committed by the left's coordinated efforts by some top F.B.I. and D.O.J. employees to manipulate the election in favor of Hillary and the consequent attempt to undo the unexpected results of Trump winning the election instead. The two "rogue spooks" in the F.B.I. are exposed in an article by Dick Morris; former personal advisor to both Bill & Hillary Clinton back in the '90s. This is causing the left's heads to explode because of the exposure.

Here's a former U.S. Attorney explaining what currently is known from what's been revealed from FOIA requests and a congressional document that's now been viewed by over 200 Congresspersons.

Here's an article which explains the origin of how the "Russian Dossier" made its way from the left's efforts to frame the pres.-elect Trump once their expectations were obliterated by the unexpected outcome to F.B.I. Director Comey's hands; who then gave it to a Columbia University's hands to share with media and launch the biggest fake news collaboration in our nation's history.

Lastly, here's an article explaining how the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, is using the old tactic of bait and switch in his investigation of claims by the left which has discovered no evidence to back up such claims made by the salacious dossier.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Turning America On Its Head

I grew up in an era when it was popular to promote the social construct that law and order were paramount to a safe and prosperous culture. Now that's all changed.

Today, the left is pushing the narrative that human rights trump civil rights; that those who've entered the country illegally deserve the same rights as those who've been born here and lived all their lives contributing to the nation.

I've lived my entire life understanding that:
- following the laws, 
- not committing crimes against anyone,
- defending my country by serving it for four years in the military,
- and going to college to have a chance to give back to society's future generations by being a public school teacher for 30 years while raising my children in a neighborhood where I felt safe,

was being a good member of society and the country. In return, I would feel reasonable to expect as a result that I have earned some degree of respect, cordial treatment by those I might not agree with on certain issues, and otherwise be left alone to enjoy my golden years.

Yet, what are we hearing from the left today?

I just listened to a sanctuary city mayor on a show say that "Dreamers" deserve the same opportunities as regular citizens... even when they do things which break the law. Blocking the entrance to Disneyland was their protest action.

Now, they're telling me - as a white, Christian, male - that all of what's wrong with our country is that we W.A.S.P.s supposedly harbor some kind of "privilege" over other races! Bullshit! I had, growing up, just as many obstacles and hardships as they're encountering, yet I understood that persisting and applying myself would get me and my family ahead. And, it did! No, that type of statement from the left is nothing more than pure socialist propaganda to obscure the need for law and order which the left is working persistently to destroy. Instead, they're treating illegal immigrants who've murdered someone - Kate Stinely, for instance - or raped several women as though they deserve special treatment! And if they succeed, then our nation will turn out no better than the rest of the third world banana republics. In fact, some are now arguing that such a status has already begun in the enactment of certain situations that were set up in the previous administration.
You know, while I understand that these people were either brought here by their parents dragging them with them, or sent here with the future intent of having those children bring them into the country under the family reunification policy of the past administrations, it still doesn't give those people who've been here for between eight and four years any rights if they've not become naturalized citizens! Instead, they've waited, while growing up, for the federal government to pass some kind of legislation giving them a status which would allow them more time to decide whether they would bother becoming naturalized while taking advantage of the "kindness" of America's hearts because the left feels guilty about how good we Americans have got it.

How can I say that leftists are working on destroying law and order? Try the fact that California's Attorney General has announced to the entire state that since the start of the new year, the laws have changed making the whole state a sanctuary state. So, if any business cooperates with any federal agency or agents who are attempting to locate any illegal immigrants who may be working for the owner's business, the A.G.'s office will PROSECUTE that business owner! The only reason such absurd policies are being made like this is that the left has been progressively been moving to a more ridiculous position and is desperate to regain power after losing to Pres. Trump.

This is clearly stepping over the line! If anyone's going to be prosecuted under federal laws, it will be the state A.G. of California and those who are aiding him in prosecuting business owners since there is clear court precedent for federal laws being paramount; especially when it comes to federal issues like immigration. Now the situation can go two ways; restoration of law and order, or literal civil war!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

How Easily Our Public Has Been Silenced!

I've touched on this topic in various ways in previous posts, but I came across this very brief video today which is a fantastic example of just how simple it is to combat the left's argument for suppressing free speech whenever someone is speaking "hate" or offending another.

I believe, because our public school system has long omitted teaching critical thinking, along with the adolescent level "group think" of going along with what's popular, much of our youth today have no way of realizing how they can combat or counter the issue of "hate speech" which has now become the left's championing of societal sensitivity. In other words, they've been successfully oppressed with a psychological strategy that comes across as intellectually superior and have no skills or understanding of how to fight back. 

To more clearly understand what I'm getting at, just watch this one-minute clip where Jordon Peterson, a guest being interviewed on the topic of free speech, counters the hostess of the show by pointing out what free speech actually is... which catches the hostess speechless because she can't argue against the clear point he makes in reply.

The Silent Invasion of America

As the saying used to go among adults when I was growing up, "There's something rotten going on in Denmark!"

Only today, that saying would more appropriately be, "There's something rotten going on in the United Nations!" Why? Well, let me ask a few pointed questions.

If you had the inclination to take over a country by stealth methods, how would you successfully manage to pull that off?

If you were involved in helping others to improve their lives because they were fleeing foreign countries where war, famine, drought, and religious persecution was rampant, you'd feel good as a person, right?

What would you say would be a reasonable number of immigrants - excluding those sneaking into the country through the southern border every year for the past several decades - that should be allowed to come into the country? 50,000, 100,000, 250,000, or more? Surely, if our governments been letting them in at the rate they have already, it must be because they know best how many our economic situation can handle, right?

What would be your reaction be if you discovered that most of these refugees who arrived in the country were not vetted, checked for communicable diseases, were being given U.S. Passports, and were being instructed on how to sign up for receiving Social Security Disability Insurance benefits when they've never paid a nickle into the system? How long would it take you to realize, "Hey, wait, I've been paying into this all my working life and I'm going to be subsidizing these foreigners?"

Has it ever occurred to you that, based on other incidences in the past from news reports and other sources that you realized you weren't being told the whole truth about something? Or, are you someone who, when they hear the news on something you don't quite understand much about, just accepts at face value that, because the news media is authoritative, you trust their reporting of what is told the public to be accurate, the whole truth, and is all on the up-and-up?

I urge you to watch this interview of a woman from the mid-west who attended several refugee organization meetings learned what was actually going on behind the scenes and about which many aspect of the process are kept quiet from the public, about who, what and why they are coming into the country in such numbers. It's worse than you might expect.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Democrats' Successful Deception

The paragraph below Prager U's latest video about the social attitude about Republicans says:
When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science Carol Swain explains, the Republican Party was actually responsible for nearly every advancement for minorities and women in U.S. history—and remains the champion of equality to this day.
It's my personal conclusion from research that the Democratic Party, during the Johnson administration of the mid-sixties, devised a strategy that successfully dealt with the unpleasant truths of their past by implementing a switching of narrative, in collusion with the media, about Republicans as the culprits of sexism and slavery, while using the Civil Rights act of 1964 to convince the African-American community that the federal government was their best friend. 

As Rush Limbaugh has said this morning on his radio broadcast repeatedly, "They [liberals of today] believe this stuff!", which illustrates just how effective the leftist/statists have been in pushing their psy-ops campaign on the public for the past 50 years!

With Pres. Trump in the Oval Office liberals are now in full panic mode about everything he says or does because they've not had an outsider of the D.C. swamp dish back at them what they've used to control past presidents with. I urge you to share this, and other Prager U videos with your friends online.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

2016 Election Reaction Flashback

It's been just over 14 months since the nation elected Donald Trump president. Yet, even today, the left has not gotten over their initial shock and dismay that Hillary lost. The media continues to malign and berate him while obsessing over every little petty thing they can find to put him in a negative light in the eyes of those who would rather have had a continuation of the past eight years' policies under Hillary!

Just for the sake of perspective, as well as a refresher - and for those of you who may not have ever seen this before - here is a montage of video clips from the days and weeks of post election reaction by the left's Hillary Clinton sycophants. I include it here because it reveals insight into just how immature they truly are and how their remarks at many points reveals the perspective they have about their perception of the conservative's agenda.

It is my personal conviction that the reason we're witnessing the degree of absurdity from the leftist in Congress is because they are truly out of ammunition to counter the successes which Pres. Trump has had over the past year, plus, in office. "Impeach 45" from crazy Maxine Waters, "people are going to die" from Elizabeth Warren, ad nausea. Resorting to the playbook, they continue to jump on every circumstance - the latest being the comparison of two disparate countries by the President in a "not so appropriate way" - with race cards flurrying, innuendo of Nazism or "Hitler".

For further insight into why I make this point, I urge my readers watch this video clip of Sara Sanders with her dad, Gov. Mike Huckabee, on The View discussing these very points and issues. Joy Bahar and Whoopie Goldberg don't even recognize their absurd claims, but Sarah does a great job of countering them. The intensity in the debate ratchets up about the nine minute mark.

We NEVER hear from the media the positive news and results of Pres. Trump's flurry of work which will, in my opinion, be impossible to refute when the nation begins to get their larger paychecks next month. Yes, I believe come the fall's mid-term election, the Democrats will suffer an increase in their long slide into oblivion. Assuming I'm correct, as many others are concluding, Trump will have made a significant, if not "yuuuuuge" drainage of the D.C. Swamp. Now, if he'll just steadily replace many of the bureaucrats within the plethora of agencies which still infest it, I project we will see a shift to economic and cultural prosperity like this nation's not seen in over 50 years.

Hasta la vista, baby!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Why the Media's Got It All Wrong

Amidst the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the media in reaction to the president using a comparison between Norway and Haiti to ask a question as to the left's motive for immigration, the N.Y. Times article, by Thomas Kaplan and Sheryl Gay Stolberg covering the most recent activity, posed the situation in a unique way on Wednesday, Jan. 10th. True to the history of this "big dog" newspaper, it's apparent from the way these two reporter's refer to what's going on. They have no clue as to the actual process they describe is going on. Here, let me illustrate what I mean with the following satirical image:

So tell me... do you think Pres. Trump was referring to this person in the picture, or what she is living amidst? Honestly!
With the looming deadline to fund the federal government only a week away on Friday, Jan. 19th, the pressure is mounting for congressional leaders on both sides of the isle to present to the president a bill he says he will sign, but only if it meets specific criteria he has laid out. Of course, the media is emphasizing a bipartisan deal. One, no doubt, it hopes will favor retaining much, if not all, of the existing laws on immigration, as was demonstrated when the first proposal was presented earlier in the week and rejected by Pres. Trump.

For those of us who have been paying attention to the background regarding the make-up of the congressional circumstance, we know there are three factions; Democrats who will do and say anything to destroy any attempts to make good on Trump's campaign promises, Never-Trumpers who will do and say almost anything to accomplish the same, and the minority of conservatives who support Trump's agenda. Thus, greatly outnumbered, Trump is working his negotiation skills using what many have often referred to as "3-D chess".

This article focuses on Rep. Labrador's (R - Idaho) bill which he claims, "... is the only bill that’s going to unify the conference, and it’s going to get us to a majority of the conference". On the other hand, Goodlatte of Virginia in partnership with McCaul of Texas, have presented a broader proposal. The most interesting paragraph in the whole article states:
The new House Republicans’ stand underscored the uncertainty about immigration. Mr. Trump’s positions vacillate daily. And members of both parties are divided. Some Democrats are pressing for confrontation, while others seem to fear a political backlash. Some Republicans are searching for compromise against a conservative tide of anti-immigrant fervor.
However, the article engages in focusing on Trump as the adversary, or antagonist, in this situation by using his name when explaining what's holding up progress. If Pres. Trump is "vacillating" at all, it's because he is the master at negotiations and understands how to maneuver through the situation. This is where these reporters, from a well known liberally biased newspaper, reveal what most liberals are unwilling to admit when it comes to why Trump won the election in the first place.

His campaign promises struck a chord with the middle-class, "fly-over" country, and those who, for the last 8 years, felt totally ignored during the Obama administration. With his clear and unwavering promise to fix the massive holes in the immigration issue, the people voted across the country to put him into office. They wanted their country back!

It is this reality which the N.Y. Times journalists fail, and are unwilling, to admit. It is not Trump who is holding the line on immigration fixes; he's representing the country's majority who put him in the oval office; to represent their interests. Yet, the reporter's verbiage attempts to make it out as though Pres. Trump alone is the problem for the left in the country. Only when it's their president in office, do they claim any reference to the vote of the majority. 

The press always does it's best to move the focus away from the beauty of a representative republic where the power resides in "We the People" who've spoken loud and clear.

P.S. When it comes to the looming "government shutdown", should a budget not be in place by the deadline... what most of the people don't know - because the press is unwilling to admit - as well, is that only about 16% of the federal government is actually shut down - the lower priority agencies like national parks - when a budget has not been voted on and passed by Congress. That leaves 84% still funded! So, should we enter into another - and there have been many shut downs in our nation's past - don't believe the press when it goes into "crisis" mode in working the public falsely into a frenzy that the world is going to come crashing down.