Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Democrat's Real Political Agenda

The following is a summary of points Rush Limbaugh made recently on his radio broadcast - hour two - of 3/20/17. It does a great job of sorting out the confusing information we have today. This is what we should not forget in the context of what the Democrats are trying to do to President Trump and his administration since Hillary Clinton lost the election.

  1. There has been collusion between Pres. Obama and Russia by way of the open mic incident between Demietri Medviedev and him, where Obama told him... "Tell Valdimir that I'll have more flexibility after the election." (Obama was referring to getting rid of additional nuclear missles in eastern Europe after 2012.)
  2. There has been collusion between Russia and Hillary Clinton during the campaign, with Bill Clinton working with an intermediary in Canada to profit off the sale of U.S. uranium; ultimately giving Russia control of 20% of the U.S. supply to one of the Russian satellite countries.
  3. Rush believes that ultimately, any suspected alliances that have existed are going to be between the Russian and the Democrats, and not Trump.
  4. While Comey wrung his hands during the March 20th all day Congressional hearings about how our nation's faith in our elections is being undermined, Rush asks, "Isn't today's actions by Democrats in Congress accomplishing that very objective?"
  5. If there's any conspiring going on to defeat Hillary Clinton winning the election last November, it's the people in 31 states that voted for Donald Trump! We don't need the Russian's help doing that. She ran an arrogant and condescending campaign that lacked a message many of her party members could not get behind. It was a campaign that was steeped in the presumption that she would win, even up to 9 p.m.
  6. Now, the Democrats are making up this fake scenario - for which there is STILL not evidence - that Russia somehow affected the outcome of the election. However, there's evidence all over the place for millions of U.S. citizens voting for her opponent! (Of course, it didn't help the campaign when Wikileaks dumped emails from the DNC revealing that Hillary was the presumptive candidate, and that Bernie Sanders was just being played along to make it look good.)
  7. On election night, from the moment the media realized their candidate wasn't going to win, a creeping insanity  infected the Democrat Party and the Washington Establishment.
  8. At the hearings, Congressman Devin Nunes (D) of California, Chairman of the investigation committee, asked Admiral Mike Rogers, " of today, do you have any evidence that Russian cyber actors changed vote tallies in the state of Michigan?" Roger's reply was "No!" The Chairman then continued on asking about the following states; Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, N.C., Ohio?" All of the Admiral's responses about those states was "I have nothing generated by the NSA, sir." Nunez then asked Director Comey if the F.B.I. had any evidence for the same states he'd listed, to which Comey replied, "No!" THAT'S THE NEWS OF THE HEARING!!! But, did the public hear, or learn of, this on the mainstream media outlets that evening? NO! (The next day, Rep. Nunes went to the President, then the press, to announce he'd discovered proof from intelligence sources that the Trump campaign and team were being surveilled by the Obama administration!)
  9. Democrats will say, "But, the Russians hacked Podesta's computer, and they had all that news out there!" However, in these same hearings, Cong. Adam Schiff (D) of California asked Comey if the Podesta emails being leaked could have resulted in votes for Trump. Comey's response was essentially, "How could we analyze something like that? No!" (Note: The Russians NEVER hacked Podesta's emails! The fact is, Podesta was "phished" in his mailbox and he bit the "hook" by clicking on it!!! That's how his emails were made public, via Wikileaks.
  10. More importantly, F.B.I. Director Comey has testified that this investigation of Russian meddling started in July of 2016, before the election. Question: Who started this investigation, whose idea was this, and why? Remember, on the campaign trail Trump made the joke about maybe the Russians could find Hillary's 30,000 missing emails. So, Rush explains, they began this in the summer to defeat Trump at the ballot box... it didn't work!
Now, reversing the outcome of the election, the news media would NEVER have said a word about the Russians meddling in the election. Recall that Pres. Obama was criticizing candidate Trump  in March of 2016 that the Russians had any chance of influencing the elections and that he should grow up, grow a pair, get out there and start campaigning hard if he wanted to catch up to Hillary.

So, what's the objective of all this the Democrats have been doing up to now? The first thing is... "Okay, Trump, are you gonna get the message? Stand down! Stop all this "draining of the 'swamp', stop all this you're doing on Obamacare, stop all this you're doing on trade, just stop it and go back to the way we want you to govern, OR, we're going to impeach you. That's what this is about. It's about delegitimizing Trump's presidency, because they're scared "spitless" he'll succeed.

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