Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Generational Divide

Today there are a plethora of examples of how the younger generation today - the age range seems to be below about 35 - harbor an attitude that is rarely content with the status quo; you name the issue, they're not happy.

Case in point... the recent "Day Without Women" marches which took place around the world. (Not just in the U.S., but yes, around the world, which to me says a whole lot. But, that's another topic.) One woman who was a guest on a prime-time current events show which discusses issues of the day said, "Women today are disenfranchised today!" She appeared to be in her mid-thirties, attractive, black flowing hair; all the trappings of modern femininity.

As I'm hearing this from her, I'm screaming at the TV, "What do you know about how disenfranchised women are? Were you around in the '50s when I was growing up as a kid and most women were housekeepers? You've come a LONG WAY BABY!"

These college/university indoctrinated spoiled brats have no idea of understanding just how good they've got it today, yet, it never will be enough for them. They've spent their young, impressionable, lives sitting in campus course, after campus course, listening to "hold-over hyppies" from my generation (late '60s cultural revolution) spew their socialist propaganda. The kinds of issues that have effectively produced a divisive attitude that only focuses on being discontent with their current status.

This alludes to the larger agenda which the past President has effectively promoted to them; the attitude that we know better than those old fogies. What's even more dangerous is the growing social mindset of political correctness which essentially tells anyone who opposes them; we will destroy you if you even think about opposing our agenda.

Today's media - run mostly by those of this generation - along with the convenience of social media, perpetuates what I see as a fascist culture. Anyone who's been a paying attention to what's been happening around the country of late knows exactly what I'm pointing out here. The agenda is one of destroying anyone who refuses to accept what they define as acceptable - baking a wedding cake or arranging flowers for a gay couple, while at the same time in a state of denial about Muslims who run businesses and deny gay couples for the same reason.

Remember, where there's a double standard, there's usually a hidden agenda.

Now, before you go labeling me as a bigot, homophobe, or any other "red flag" word you feel is appropriate, perhaps you should know this about me. As the youngest son of four boys in my family, our mother - who did work for a while as a department store clerk in the L.A. area - sat us four down one day when I was about 10 and said the following; "Listen, I love you, but I'm not going to die in the process of raising you. Therefore, I'm going to teach you how to cook, wash, sew, and iron your own stuff. You will be responsible for it while I take care of keeping the house in order, paying the bills, etc. while your dad is out working his butt off to make an income. Got it?"

I consider myself fortunate to have had a woman smart enough to do this for us. It taught us a valuable lesson, instead of complaining about you're circumstance, figure out what you can do to make it better and act on it.

When I met my future wife while in the Air Force out of high school, we deliberately discussed issues related to our future lives together. She wanted to have a career as well, which was perfectly fine by me. But we also agreed on how many children we would have to make our careers possible. Together, in a 50%/50% understanding, we agreed to share not only household chores, but the caring for our two daughters between us. We "leap-frogged" these chores between us so that the other would have an evening off. That included changing diapers, bathing, feeding, etc. when we were home in the evening after a long day at work.

We also agreed that it was wise to have my mother - who then was recently widowed - to move her up to where we lived and have her take care of both infint - school age girls so we could continue working in our pubic education careers, instead of "farming" them out to Daycares with strangers. Both of them are now part of the very generation I'm targeting here, yet they are both very successful, well educated women who don't whine about how dissatisfied they are as women.

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