Saturday, March 11, 2017

What Makes This President Different?

The media has been in the driver's seat, promoting the leftist agenda for so long now, that they got gobsmacked with the win of Donald J. Trump this election. They've been experiencing convulsions and seizures about the outcome ever since.

All through the campaign, from the very start when he announced his candidacy, the media snickered and predicted that he was just pulling a stunt and would back out after a month or two. The whole DNC already had the coronation of Hillary locked in, and liberal/leftists across the nation were certain that she would win the election. The stage was set, especially after their eight year reign with the history making, first ever, Black President. (His name who shall not be mentioned here.)

Had this outcome actually been the case, many commentators are now conceding that it would have meant the certain loss of our representative republic as a unique nation that others around the globe seek to come to, and the certain progression of our nation into the status of just another among the many as part of the advancing global elites taking further control via the U.N. and eventual globalization.

After losing the election the media began their salvo of attacks in an effort to retain their position of power. Since President Trump has been the Commander-in-Chief for shy of two months now, the orchestrated attacks have been non-stop in attempting to delegitimize him; just like they did back in the '80s when Pres. Reagan took over the Oval Office. Many of the media's tactics haven't really changed.

But what's different about now, compared to then?

Well, for one, it's 40 years later and the leftists have become much more extreme and intense at pushing their agenda. For another, the attitudes in politics have become more cut-throat in tactics applied about who drives the news cycle agenda. The leftists have clearly mastered messaging by flooding the journalist profession with predominantly left biased reporters; for example, the New York Times, not to mention the array of alphabet soup networks. 

They've also had time to hone their skills at discussing issues as guests on various television shows by using Alynski tactics; don't answer or acknowledge the question, keep talking over the host when they want to take back control of the conversation, raise the volume of their voice, and use "red flag" labels which unfavorably bias the listener toward any conservative concepts being introduced; homophobic, bigot, xenophobe, racist, etc. 

Jorge Ramos would be one of many prime examples today of this strategy being used. Interview after interview on Tucker Carlson's FOXNews channel reveals this to be the case on a daily basis.

But still, this only points out the difference in conditions, and does not reveal what really makes this President different. So, what specifically makes this man different?

He's a successful business man who's experienced the most fierce "take no prisoners" environment of New York real estate for the past 40 years and has learned first-hand what government regulations can do to make it difficult for business to succeed. From this experience, he's learned the necessary skills to do what it takes to be successful; set goals, develop winning negotiating strategies, and most importantly, to fight back and defend one's dignity and reputation.

This is what no president in our lifetime has done, and, what the media has never had to deal with. This is why many reporters have often appeared on camera as "deer in the headlights".

Trump has been by-passing the media by going directly to the people via his Twitter account. He's calling out the media for what they have been engaging in, fake news. The media's purpose is to sway the attitudes of the masses who are gullible, or unwilling to think on their own about the facts; much of which is far too confusing for the average citizen to sort out or keep clear on. Thus, the easier thing to do is just to "go along" with whoever they associate with regularly.

With the latest developments in Wikileaks dumping "deep state" secrets it's now been revealed how the various federal spy agencies - FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. have capabilities of hacking, then leaving false markers while exiting a server. This effectively deceives investigators into believing that it was another entity other than them, which did the hacking. We now have such complexity swirling around the whole situation that much of the pubic attempting to follow things are overwhelmed and are giving up on sorting things out.

As the old saying goes, "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up." defines much of both liberal's and conservative's attitude about the state of our political process today.

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