Saturday, May 6, 2017

Bullying Those You Disagree With Does Not Help Public Schools

This recent article from the Washington Policy Center is an example of how public education in our country has successfully become so lopsided to the left in its ideology. There is a link in the first sentence to the presentation which contains the evidence cited in this article. Here are a few points from it:

"It is not possible to have an informed conversation about education reform when WASA implies that people who hold alternate views are fascists and communists.  This mean-spirited tactic comes across as a transparent effort to bully others into silence.

Reasonable people can disagree.  Engaging in name-calling while citing the most reprehensible figures from history does not make progress in improving public education.  Instead, all of us who care about children should work together in a peaceful and collaborative way to make sure schools are well funded and use public money effectively, so that every child learns."

I am convinced - after 30 years in public education - that the whole education infrastructure from the Dept. of Education, to the NEA, its state unions, on down to the local level districts' unions, has been thoroughly indoctrinated with the leftist/socialist mentality.. It's evident in the curriculum, policy emphasis, and treatment of those in the profession who don't go along with their agenda. Those teachers who voice any alternative view or opposition to whatever is being proposed from the leadership at local or state conventions for the union is subtly and effectively ostracized and marginalized (sounds like Saul Alynski tactics to me).

Wasn't there a prominent communist leader who said something about controlling the education of the youth is the key to controlling a country's direction & future? In observing leftists' reactions to the new administration, they've confirmed without a doubt to me that they will say things about their opposition which is actually a truism about themselves; using Goebbels & Lenin. 

Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder!

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