Thursday, May 11, 2017

Gonzaga U. Hires Professor Who Engaged in Campus Protests

Here's what I sent to several administrators, where I got my masters degree from, today.

Here's a link - which I now wish I'd also provided in this letter - of what originally happened last year at UMiss.

May 11, 2017

Dear Office of Planned Giving:

Earlier last month I emailed several administrators to communicate my reason for not supporting Gonzaga University any more. I send this letter to you, after receiving it in the mail today, to let you know why I shall NOT provide any funds for scholarships to this institution.

I learned, accidentally, that Gonzaga University saw fit to hire a professor who had resigned from southern college, UMiss, for having been involved in a campus protest by requesting “muscle” to be applied to a reporter who was present at the event to remove him; thereby denying said reporter of his Constitutional First Amendment right as a member of the press.

As a Constitutionalist, this revelation tells me that the administration of Gonzaga does not consider a professor who commits such an act, and was essentially forced from that college, as anything to be concerned about by hiring her; Melissa Click. Furthermore, it has come to my attention that Gonzaga is engaging in educating its student today to believe that America is guilty of social “sins”, is evil, and is training “social warriors” to believe that America must pay for those “sins” - such as slavery – through reparations to those who simply have the skin color to indicate they deserve those reparations, like so many of the other institutions of higher learning today.

Therefore, I do not care, nor am I interested in promoting an institution of higher learning which engages in such anti-patriotic actions and philosophies that are striving to overthrow America. I also, therefore, request that your office and this college, permanently remove my name and address from their database records, as I no longer wish to receive any further communications from Gonzaga.

I ask that you forward this message to other departments and administrators to provide them with input as to why those of us who served our country in the military in the past feel the way we do about what is happening to our country.


Jon M. Higley - Air Force Veteran
Tacoma, WA

"In politics where there is a double standard, there is usually a hidden agenda." Todd Herman
"If it weren't for the double-standard of liberals, they wouldn't have any standards at all." Ann Coulter

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