Saturday, May 27, 2017

This Is Entitlement In Action!

I thought I was reading from George Orwell's book 1984 for a minute. But then, I realized that, having dealt with such an attitude when teaching 8th grade Science classes eight years ago, I shouldn't be surprised; especially with the recent rash of incidences at various college campuses around our nation.

What am I talking about? Here's an excerpt from this article "University of Chicago student post list of 50 demands, included segregated housing Islamic courses":

"The students also demanded a revitalization of the University of Chicago’s Bias Response Team, which is a campus advisory group that provides assistance in determining how to handle an alleged “bias incident” or any action against a student that is motivated by bias, regardless of whether or not the incident is a hate crime.

Currently, the Bias Response Team does not have any disciplinary capabilities. However, UChicago United wants the capacity of the team extended and seeks “infrastructure for transparent disciplinary processes against faculty and staff who are reported” to the team."

This is what you get when you coddle and cave to every demand youth make; it causes them to think they deserve whatever they think is needed. They have no understanding of how our justice system is set up to protect everyone's rights and receive due process, replacing it with their "Lord of the Flies" style kangaroo courts.

But wait, there's more! Here's what occurred recently at a college in my state regarding segregation.

And to think that they're going to be going out there into the work force soon to run the businesses and government. Makes me shudder!

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