Tuesday, May 9, 2017

My Congressman's View on Immigration

Below is a paragraph from an email Congressman Adam Smith (D) of the 9th Cong. District, sent me. What makes me more sick about how this paragraph reads, is the fact that this "nut case" has been re-elected here in the Puget Sound region of WA since the early '90s... far too long, and needs to go!

"The 9th Congressional District has an incredible coalition of organizations working everyday to advocate for immigrants and refugees. My office convened an Immigration Roundtable to discuss recent executive orders and aggressive Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actions, and the resulting fears among the immigrant and refugee communities. I appreciated hearing from community leaders about their advocacy, and look forward to working together to ensure we allow for immigrants to become productive members of our society. This will only strengthen our communities, our economy, and our country's future."

It appears that the liberals here in WA see advocacy as a virtue... even if it means breaking the law by completely ignoring the federal laws about harboring and protecting illegal immigrants from being deported. How ironic that even the elected liberals who've been sworn in to "...protect and defend the Constitution of the United Sates." see no problem with this attitude. Since when is upholding existing law, passed by a partisan Congress years ago, "aggressive"?

And... when he says that such action "...will only strengthen our communities..." what he's REALLY saying is that it will provide the Democrats a stronger base of dependents from which to get re-elected from.

If Cong. Smith is looking forward to working with community leaders to ensure illegals are allowed to stay in the country to take jobs away from those citizens who are legally here in the country, then perhaps he should be replaced by someone who recognizes that such action is also illegal. That's right, working against the existing laws which he most likely voted for decades ago when he was an "upstart" Congressman.

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